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IDEE, The Electron Spectrometer for the Taranis Mission J.-A. Sauvaud 1, P. Devoto, A. Fedorov 1, G. Orttner 1, O. Chasselat 1, K. Wong 1, L. Prech 2,

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Presentation on theme: "IDEE, The Electron Spectrometer for the Taranis Mission J.-A. Sauvaud 1, P. Devoto, A. Fedorov 1, G. Orttner 1, O. Chasselat 1, K. Wong 1, L. Prech 2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IDEE, The Electron Spectrometer for the Taranis Mission J.-A. Sauvaud 1, P. Devoto, A. Fedorov 1, G. Orttner 1, O. Chasselat 1, K. Wong 1, L. Prech 2, Z. Nemecek 2, 1 IRAP/CNRS-U. of Toulouse 2 Charles University, Prague Chibis international workshop, Tarusa, 13-15 february 2013

2 IDEE conception 3 objectives: - Pitch-angle Distribution of Radiation Belt Electrons (wave particle interactions) -Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (LEP)‏ -Relativistic Runaway Electrons (RRE)

3 W= 3.5 eV/e - -hole pair The spectrometers uses semi-conductors as particle detectors The spectrometers uses semi-conductors as particle detectors DEMETER and TARANIS

4 WAVE PARTICLE INTERACTIONS 1. Cyclotron resonance

5 ELECTRON FLUXES AT 650 KM ALTITUDE (200 keV) Electron interaction with VLF NWC

6 ‘Cyclotron’ induced structures Sauvaud et al., 2008 Effect of VLF transmitter 19.8 kHz Note the large difference of slopes in the inner belt as compared to the ‘cyclotron slope’

7 Electrons Protons Drift resonance: ULF-particle INTERACTIONS



10 Lightning induced electron precipitation (DEMETER - above Europe: weak energy, critical time resolution of electron data ) DEMETER


12 Distribution of lightnings, winter 2008-2009


14 Terrestrial gamma flashes energy spectrum RHESSI 10 msec Parent electrons: dJ/dE=2.2 10 -3 exp(-E/7.2) TGF Υ spectrum

15 Computed TGF Electrons Lehtinen et al., 2010; Carlson et al., 2011

16 Carlson et al., 2011

17 SAMPEX electron bursts possibly related to TGF Lehtinen et al.

18 DEMETER RRE Part/( Electron fluxes Expected TGF electrons The electrons that escape to satellie altitude are most likely secondary electrons produced by TGF

19 Can a detector like IDP (DEMETER) do that? Relativistic Runaway Electrons (RRE) Not enough Geometrical Factor Lightning-induced Electron Precipitation (LEP)‏ Time resolution not adequate Pitch-angle Distribution of Radiation Belt Electrons No angular channels

20 The resulting IDEE sensor for TARANIS

21 IDEE 2 detector planes: Si + CdTe (coincidence for direction), large section of CdTe for RRE

22 ADDING SEPARATION INTO THE COLLIMATOR = angular separation of low energy electrons




26 Objectif - Runaway Relativistic Electrons Possible RRE spectrum (Red)‏ Where we can distinguish a RRE spectrum from the bkg electrons. (After DEMETER data)‏

27 Runaway Relativistic Electrons Possible RRE spectrum (Red)‏ Detection of RRE 8 horizontal bands, 8 CdTe cells in each thickness 6mm to stop electrons up to 4 Mev





32 CdTe


34 Response to RRE event Geant-4 simulation 20 counts/event Measurable signal for CdTe only

35 Response to associated Gamma rays Geant-4 simulation when gamma only are received, the measured signal is very weak. Gammas will not disturbed electron measurements.

36 STATUS OF THE EXPERIMENT Sensor head design: performed Electronic design: performed. ASIC developed DPU: performed (Charles university) Modes: defined Burst trigger: ready Thermal study: made EQM: made

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