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1 WELCOME PREPARING FOR TEXAS WINTER WEATHER Ronnie Sexton Loss Prevention Representative.

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Presentation on theme: "1 WELCOME PREPARING FOR TEXAS WINTER WEATHER Ronnie Sexton Loss Prevention Representative."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 WELCOME PREPARING FOR TEXAS WINTER WEATHER Ronnie Sexton Loss Prevention Representative

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3 Discussion Topics Steps to ensure all vehicles and equipment are ready for winter Steps to protect buildings and facilities Steps to protect employees from winter exposure 3

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5 5 Common Causes of Winter Weather Vehicle Accidents Driving too fast for conditions Adverse road conditions – bridges may ice in cold weather, black ice Poor visibility (outside and inside of the car) Not allowing enough time for driving in adverse conditions and getting impatient behind the wheel Being unaware of surrounding motorists and increased hazards

6 Vehicle Tips 6 Check all belts and hoses Check your battery/electrical system Check your cooling system. Fill your windshield washer reservoir Check your windshield wipers and defrosters

7 Vehicle Tips 7 Verify floor mat installation to prevent pedal interference Inspect your tires, pressure and tread depth Check the age of your tires

8 8 Know your vehicle Plan your travel and route Stock your vehicle Learn what to do in a winter emergency Protect yourself Safe Winter Driving Tips

9 9 Slow down Increase the distance between yourself and the vehicle your following Be alert to current weather conditions Use low-beam headlights during snow fall Keep your car windows clean and clear Keep your gas/fuel tank full

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11 Equipment Tips 11 12 Service Tips for Winter 1.To assist in warm-up, block/restrict airflow through radiator. 2.To better prepare your machines for cold weather try the following: a)Use block heaters. b)Use enclosed storage facilities when machines are not being used. 3.Be sure to install the correct lubricants.

12 Equipment Tips 12 12 Service Tips for Winter 4.Provide the correct cooling system protection for the conditions you will be working in. 5.Inspect all rubber parts weekly; hoses, tires and fan drive belts. 6.Check all electrical wiring and connections for any fraying or for damaged insulation. 7.Keep all batteries fully charged. 8.Always fill the fuel tank at the end of the shift.

13 Equipment Tips 13 12 Service Tips for Winter 9.Check the air cleaners and the air intake on a regular basis. 10.Before your shift, run the engine until it reaches operating temperatures. 11.If your machine is shut down for more than 16 hours, the engine will cool to the external temperature. 12.Keep all starting fluid at room temperature and inject starting fluid only while the engine is cranking.

14 Equipment Operating Tips 14 Before cold weather arrives, check to make certain all atmospheric system such as operator compartment heaters and defrosting devices, are working in top condition. Don’t wait until the first cold snap to check this, or you may discover that you don’t have heat in the cab!

15 Equipment Operating Tips 15 When you’re operating your machine during inclement winter weather, be sure you can see clearly out of the cab windows.

16 Equipment Operating Tips 16 All hoses and wires become more brittle and stressed in extreme cold conditions. Allow sufficient warm-up time before putting equipment to work.

17 Equipment Operating Tips 17 Ground conditions will always be more difficult when the surface is frozen. Wheels and tracks can slip more easily on frozen or icy ground.

18 Equipment Operating Tips 18 Touching extremely cold metal surfaces with bare skin can cause instant frost damage to hands Take extra care when entering and exiting your machine Use three points of contact

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20 Buildings & Facilities Tips 20 Inspect heating systems before cold weather arrives Insulate exposed water pipes and faucets at all buildings, outside restrooms and concession stands at parks Stockpile sand for sidewalks, steps, and stairways Inspect handrails at steps/stairways Tree limbs close to buildings that might need trimming

21 Buildings & Facilities Tips 21 Check roofs for any needed repairs Check and clean gutters Inspect treatment plants, pump stations, lift stations, swimming pools for any lines or pumps that need protection to prevent freezing Standby/emergency generators

22 Buildings & Facilities Tips 22 Check extension cords, surge protectors and space heaters Check building/facilities for non employees before locking up at end of day Procedures on how to handle homeless individuals who want to stay in public building during day for warmth

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24 Tips for Employees 24 Provide employees with refresher training on proper clothing, preferably in layers Many workers underestimate the effects of perspiration and wet clothing lowering a workers body temperature. Venting and removal of the body’s sweat and heat are just as important as protecting from rain or snow Keep a change of dry clothing available

25 Tips for Employees 25 Wear a hat or hood Keep your ears and hands warm Wear good footwear that is insulated along with proper socks. If your feet become moist from the damp weather or sweating, periodically you should change your socks.

26 Tips for Employees 26 Keeping properly hydrated since you can dehydrate faster in the winter than in the summer Drink plenty of liquids and avoid coffee and alcohol Take frequent breaks and consume warm high calorie food to maintain energy reserves Also personnel should be trained on the signs and systems of hypothermia

27 Summary Don’t wait until the day/night of the first cold weather arriving A little refresher training never hurt anyone Remember the public is counting on us to be there for them when the weather turns bad, preperation is the key Until next time, stay safe, stay warm 27

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