Mejoras en los sistemas de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en San Benito, Texas Water and Wastewater Facility Improvements in San Benito, Texas.

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Presentation on theme: "Mejoras en los sistemas de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en San Benito, Texas Water and Wastewater Facility Improvements in San Benito, Texas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mejoras en los sistemas de Agua Potable y Saneamiento en San Benito, Texas Water and Wastewater Facility Improvements in San Benito, Texas

2 Project Location Ubicación del Proyecto Population year 2000: 27,686 Population year 2025: 40,240 Population growth rate: 17% between 2000-2010 14% between 2010-2025 Average Water Consumption: 126 gpcd Infrastructure coverage: Potable Water 100% Sewer Collection 100% Wastewater treatment 100%

3 BECC General Criteria Criterio General de COCEF 1.Water and Wastewater Treatment 2. Project located within 62 miles of the U.S./Mexico border 3. The WTP and WWTP will provide a secure water supply and a safe wastewater treatment to the citizens of San Benito, Texas

4 Background Antecedentes Water Treatment Plant

5 Background Antecedentes Water Treatment Plant

6 Project Components Componentes del Proyecto Construction of a 10 MGD WTP (6 MGD first phase) Construction of two 16-inch transmission lines 1 MG elevated storage tank Construction of a 5 MGD WWTP ( 2.5 MGD first phase)

7 WTP planta potabilizadora Water Treatment Plant

8 Project Components Componentes del proyecto Elevated Storage Tank Jefferson St.

9 Project Components Componentes del proyecto Wastewater Treatment Plant (lagoon)

10 Human Health & Environment Criteria Criterio de Salud Humana y Medio Ambiente 1. Human Health and Environmental need The WTP exceeded maximum permitted treatment capacity, with a resulting TNRCC issuance of an Enforcement Order. An EPA Administrative Order for violation of permitted treatment parameters for BOD and TSS has been issued for the WWTP. Existing elevated storage facilities, doesn’t meet TNRCC’s minimum standards.

11 Human Health & Environment Criteria Criterio de Salud Humana y Medio Ambiente Reported Waterborne Disease Cases (Cameron County) Disease Cases Year 199719981999 Amebiasis 24200 Campylobacteriosis 131228 Salmonelosis 415148 Shigelosis 5913477 Hepatitis A 273217184 Hepatitis B 262517 Hepatitis C 4130

12 Human Health & Environment Criteria Criterio de Salud Humana y Medio Ambiente 2. Environmental Assesment An EID was prepared in accordance with State and Federal requirements. The USEPA reviewed the EID. The FONSI was issued on August 8, 2002. 3. Compliance with Applicable Environmental and Cultural Resource Laws and Regulations Coordination with relevant State and Federal Agencies was made. Project approval responses were obtained from all agencies contacted. The project is in compliance with all applicable environmental and cultural resource laws and regulations.

13 Human Health & Environment Criteria Criterio de Salud Humana y Medio Ambiente Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge

14 Human Health & Environment Criteria Criterio de Salud Humana y Medio Ambiente Elevated Storage Tank Jefferson St.

15 1. Appropriate Technology Both WTP and WWTP will utilize standard treatment process. WTP will include coagulation, sedimentation, clarification, filtration, and chlorination. WWTP will be an extended aeration system adjacent to the existing lagoon. 2. O & M Plan The consultant will be responsible for the development of the O&M manuals. These manuals will be completed prior to completion of construction. Operation personel will receive training prior to the start up of the WTP and WWTP. 3. Compliance with applicable design norms and regulations The TNRCC and TWDB will review the design of the entire project, which must meet State design criteria. Permits will be required for both WTP and WWTP. Technical Feasibility Factibilidad Técnica

16 Technical Feasibility Factibilidad Técnica Existing WTP Existing elevated storage tank New elevated storage tank New WTP

17 Financial Feasibility Factibilidad Financiera Concept Amount US$ Water Treatment Plant Elevated Storage Tank 18,069,852 3,861,447 Wastewater Treatment Plant 10,512,936 Total$32,444,235

18 Financial Feasibility Factibilidad Financiera SourceAmount (US$) % Texas Water Development Board (loan) BEIF construction (grant) 17,533,35154 14,910,88446 Total$32,444,235100% BEIF Transition Assistance funds $2,999,341

19 Financial Feasibility Factibilidad Financiera Single Family Rates YEAR WATER SEWER TOTAL 2003 $ 18.01 $ 15.50 $ 33.51 2004 $ 21.26 $ 16.42 $ 37.68 2005 $ 24.66 $ 17.41 $ 42.07 2006 $ 28.60 $ 18.46 $ 47.06 2007 $ 30.03 $ 19.57 $ 49.60 2008 $ 31.54 $ 20.54 $ 52.08 Average water bill 33 US$ for 8,000 gal/month

20 1. Comprehensive Public Participation Plan Steering Committee formed on January, 2002. Public Participation Plan submitted and approved by BECC in January 2002. 2. Public Information Facility Plan and Step II Document available for public review at City Hall and local library 30 days prior to the first public meeting. Committee carried out 28 presentations to local organizations. Fact sheets available at meetings, handed to customers, and delivered via mail. Newspaper and television coverage of project. Public meetings held in February, June and July 2002. Community Participation Participación Comunitaria

21 Community Participation Participación Comunitaria Public meeting

22 Community Participation Participación Comunitaria Steering Committee

23 The project complies with BECC’s definition of Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development Desarrollo Sustentable 2. Institutional and Human Building The project will build institutional capacity by the creation of fund reserves for any potential emergencies, and training to the plant operators. 3. Conformance with Applicable Local/Regional Conservation and Development Plans The project is in conformance with the Water and Wastewater Master Plan developed by the city in 1998. The city has a Water Conservacion and Drought Contingency Plan. 1. Definition and Principles 4. Natural Resources Conservation The project will improve the water quality in the discharge to the Arroyo Colorado. 5. Community Development The project will provide sufficient capacity to serve exisiting customers and the city will be able to manage growth within its available resources.

24 Staff Recommendation Recomendación del Personal Considering the previous information based on the project developed, BECC Staff recommends: the “Water and Wastewater Facility Improvements in San Benito, Texas” for certification

25 Sustainable Development Desarrollo Sustentable Front view of the Water Treatment Plant

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