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Roosevelt’s New Deal Mr. Blais America in the World.

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1 Roosevelt’s New Deal Mr. Blais America in the World

2 FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance **Corporation** It insured money that was put in savings accounts It benefitted everyone who put money in the bank. It was a success and is still in use today.

3 SEC Securities and Exchange Commission Put in place to regulate the buying and selling on the stock market Benefitted anyone who sought to buy on the stock market An overall success and is still in use today

4 FERA Federal Emergency Relief Administration Gave money and supplies directly to state and local governments to later distribute as they chose. Benefitted people in the country who needed direct assistance and needed it now.

5 The Federal Securities Act Required companies who marketed or issued stocks and bonds to provide complete and truthful information to the public Everyone who wanted to invest in stocks and bonds benefitted from this act

6 PWA Public Works Administration Offered jobs to the unemployed, specifically construction projects. All the unemployed benefitted

7 TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Designed to promote the development of a seven-state area around Tennessee It employed 40,000 people, built 20 dams, reforested millions of acres, started new towns, and distributed cheap electricity to almost everyone in the region.

8 CCC Civilian Conservation Corporation Purpose was to provide jobs for those out of work It benefitted men 18-25 who were unemployed and gave them outdoor work

9 AAA Agricultural Adjustment Act It paid farmers who worked to produce less, in hopes of driving the price of food back up. Many farmers plowed a quarter less land, 10 million acres were no longer used for production and farmer income rose by more than 50%.

10 WPA Works Progress Administration Established to increase employment and allow people to use their skills to earn an income It employed teachers, writers, actors, and librarians. In the end it provided for hundreds of thousands of jobs.

11 NYA National Youth Administration This was a younger version of the WPA which allowed high school and college students to get part-time jobs so they could stay in school. The young population of America benefitted greatly from this program.

12 Social Security Act Federal government financed state unemployment insurance plans and established retirement benefits for those over 65 (benefits paid for by taxes on workers and employers) It was a landmark reform in the idea that a society should be responsible for those who are unable to work through no fault of their own.

13 NLRB National Labor Relations Board Was established by the Wagner Act and was put in place to protect any and all workers who wished to unionize. Workers who wanted to join or were part of a union benefitted from this organization

14 CIO Congress of Industrial Organization Was established to create industrial unions and allow workers to join them – Industrial Union – A single union for all workers of one industry In six years union membership had tripled, from 3 million to over 9 million.

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