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A hitchhikers guide to the e-business galaxy Summit 2000, Jim Gallagher.

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Presentation on theme: "A hitchhikers guide to the e-business galaxy Summit 2000, Jim Gallagher."— Presentation transcript:

1 A hitchhikers guide to the e-business galaxy Summit 2000, Jim Gallagher

2 Gallagher & Robertson Norway, top left hand corner of Europe Oslo North Cape

3 G&R web site renewed

4 Internet Anniversary 30 years old 1969 - 1999

5 Internet born October 20th 1969 First packets sent by Charley Kline at UCLA as he tried logging into SRI. The first attempt resulted in the system crashing as the letter G of LOGIN was entered. Hobbes' Internet Timeline Copyright (c)1993-9 by Robert H Zakon.

6 Commercial Internet Took off !!!! Telnet FTP E-mail The Web came along But then…..

7 GCOS over TCP/IP Much more than Telnet Glink sessions via Ggate Host Links sessions ( GUFT, Gspool, CPIC applications ) Local server with Ggate and Host Links MainWay or FCP7/8 with RFC1006 RFC1006 over TCP/IP (G&R predates GTEA) FDDI-Hub (LAN-Extender) Glink, Gweb, PC and Host Links applications UNIX or Windows NT PCs Glink FCP7 FCP8


9 The new world: e-business Intranet Extranet Internet Customers Enterprise E-Servers Suppliers Data centre

10 e-Business architectures “GCOS on the web” HTML converters (screen scrapers)  These convert the existing host screens to HTML on-the-fly for display on a browser. Face-lifting HTML converters  These allow you to enhance the HTML by extending it, or replacing it. Application Programming Interfaces  These products make the existing screens ‘visible’ to a programming language, such that the programmer can use the host applications as background resources in new e-business applications written specifically for the browser users.

11 Gweb Standard Edition Web server Netscape, Microsoft, Apache, Gweb HTTP server Gweb CGI Facelifter (Host forms to/from HTML) VIP7800/DKU/3270 Emulator G&R line handler GCOS system Web browser Netscape MS-Internet Explorer DSA TNVIP IBM system TN3270 DSA SNA Ggate DSA MainWay TN3270 gateway

12 Automatic Facelift Your own footerData entry fields with 3D effects Mouse-activated function keys Your own logoYour own wall paper

13 Gweb's default facelifter Gweb CGI Custom designed facelifter G&R line handler Web browser index.cfg Gweb Professional Edition Perl Scripts Web server Netscape, Microsoft, Apache, Gweb HTTP server

14 Gweb Pro at City of Pittsburgh Original screen Gweb screen

15 Gweb Pro at OEPM Original screenGweb screen

16 Gweb scalability Gweb runs on platforms from Windows 2000 to the largest UNIX systems, from Linux to AIX G&R will port Gweb, and the Host Links products to new Bull servers based on the Intel® Itanium™ processor family!

17 Three tier architectures Application Programming Interfaces  e-business logic needs access to hosts

18 The simplest Web API You remember GlAPI? and Perl? We married them and got…  Any Web programmer knows Perl. It is free of charge, and supported on all platforms. It has an extensive library of free routines for almost all purposes, including HTML generation.

19 The GLAPI Perl module Web server Netscape, Microsoft, Apache CGI Perl script with GlAPI VIP7800/DKU/3270 Emulator G&R line handler GCOS system Web browser Netscape MS-Internet Explorer DSA TNVIP IBM system TN3270 DSA SNA Ggate DSA MainWay TN3270 gateway 95% of all Web applications are built using CGI to start Perl scripts Line mode

20 Component model architecture The architecture formalizes the components of an e-business application Presentation logic Business Logic http Thin Client Web server Application server Applications Databases HTML Java Script Java applet

21 Going the Microsoft way Windows only, Intel only COM+ Take the Glink for Windows API, make a COM+ object Already delivered as a beta release of Glink Professional

22 Going another way Multiple platforms, multiple OS Java API Take Glink for Java Already delivered as a beta of release 6.2 Take the Java API Produce Enterprise Java Beans

23 In terms of J2EE standards Glink for Java API becomes a tool for developing connectors Connectors encapsulate heterogeneous Enterprise Information System access in a standardized way Bull and G&R will in cooperation develop a connector for GCOS

24 The Bull/G&R connector JCA Bean Tool Connection Glink for Java API Emulation layer VipDKUVTMinitelIBM Communications layer GTEAGgateTNVIPTN3270TN5250 Telnet HOSTS

25 EJB generation (4Q00) Using a tool that drives Glink for Java via the API, step manually through the application The tool records the calls to the API that are used….. Compile the recorded Java code as an Enterprise Java bean …and remembers the input fields that are needed, and the output fields marked as the desired result The bean duplicates the host access sequence, using parameters for the input fields, and delivers the output fields as the result

26 G&R become a BEA Technology Partner Dedicated AIX platform in place in house WebLogic installed Web Server Plug-In State Data Servlet/ JSP EJB WebLogic Server Presentation/ Navigation Business Logic

27 Thank you for listening to... ….. and welcome to our booth for a demo! A hitchhikers guide to the e-business galaxy Summit 2000, Jim Gallagher

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