Learning Goals  I will be able to recognize the three main battles of the Space Race.  I will be able to explain the pathway to putting a man on the.

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2 Learning Goals  I will be able to recognize the three main battles of the Space Race.  I will be able to explain the pathway to putting a man on the moon!

3 The Space Race  Occurred during 1957 – 1975 between the USSR (Soviet Union, now Russia) and the USA.  Started with the launch of Sputnik-I  Ended with the joint Apollo-Soyuz mission.  Seen as necessary for national security as well as symbolic of technological and ideological (capitalist vs. communist) superiority.

4 Sputnik-I vs. Explorer-I Sputnik-IExplorer-I  First satellite launched into orbit on October 4, 1957.  Studied temperatures in the upper atmosphere.  Relayed messages back to Russian Command.  Re-entered atmosphere on January 4, 1958 after 3 months in space.  First American satellite launched into orbit on January 31, 1958.  After failed Vanguard launch  Measured radiation levels in upper atmosphere.  Re-entered atmosphere on March 31, 1970 after 58,000 orbits.

5 Sputnik-IExplorer-I

6 The First Astronauts Laika the DogHam the Chimp  First Russian “Cosmonaut” into space.  Launched into space on November 3, 1957.  Unfortunately, due to cabin overheating, Laika died on her fourth day in space.  Her spacecraft, Sputnik-II, re- entered the atmosphere April 15, 1958.  First American “Astronaut” into space.  Launched into space on January 31, 1961.  Flight lasted 16 minutes and 39 seconds.  Ham was not merely a passenger. Observations led directly to Alan Sheppard’s flight.

7 Laika the DogHam the Chimp

8 First Men Into Space Yuri GagarinAlan Sheppard  First human into space on April 12, 1961.  Flight lasted 1hr 48 minutes.  First American into space on May 5, 1961.  Flight lasted 15 minutes.

9 Yuri Gagarin Alan Sheppard

10 John F. Kennedy  The Soviet Union was in the lead of the Space Race after firsts in satellites, animals and humans into space.  This prompted president John F. Kennedy to challenge the USA to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade.

11 Project Mercury (1959-1963)  First of the manned NASA spaceflight programs.  Mercury-Redstone 3 carried Alan Sheppard.  Program consisted of 20 unmanned flights followed by two suborbital and four orbital flights. Mercury-Redstone 3

12  Final flights powered by Atlas rocket:  Height = 28.7 m  Diameter = 3.0 m  Mass = 120,000 kg.  Fuel = Liquid Oxygen  Major milestones of Mercury Program:  First American in space (Sheppard)  First American to orbit the earth (John Glenn) Atlas Rocket

13 Project Gemini (1962-1966)  The second of the major NASA planned spaceflight programs.  Major goals:  Eight-day flight (necessary for trip to the moon)  Rendezvous and docking between spacecraft.  Extravehicular Activity (spacewalking)

14 Project Gemini (1962-1966)  Used the Titan Rocket:  Height = 33.2 m  Diameter = 3.05 m  Mass = 154,200 kg.  Fuel = Liquid Oxygen / Hydrogen  Enough power to lift 3600 kg (payload) into orbit!

15 Apollo Program (1961-1972)  Third and final major manned NASA spaceflights with the moon in mind.  Goal:  To land on the moon and return a man safely home.

16 Apollo Losses  The riskiest endeavor NASA undertook was sending a man to the moon and returning safely.  The Apollo program, as a result, suffered serious losses to achieve that goal:  Apollo 1: Cabin Fire on launch test kills 3 astronauts  Apollo 6: Problems with launch vehicle causes NASA to abort mission (unmanned)  Apollo 13: More on this later…

17 The Eagle Has Landed  After getting closer with each Apollo mission, Apollo 11 finally achieved the goal of getting to the moon on July 20, 1969.  Crew of Apollo 11:  Neil Armstrong (Commander)  Micheal Collins (CM Pilot)  Buzz Aldrin (LM Pilot)  Armstrong walks on moon Armstrong walks on moon

18 Saturn V Launch Vehicle  The launch vehicle that propelled Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins to the moon.  Specs on the Saturn V:  Height = 110.6 m  Diameter = 10.1 m  Mass = 3,039,000 kg  Fuel = Liquid Hydrogen / Oxygen  Saturn V had enough power to lift 119,000 kg into Low Earth Orbit.

19 What went to the Moon? Lunar Module (Eagle): Landed on moon surface. Command Module (Columbia): Housed crew en route to moon. Collins while Aldrin & Armstrong on moon.

20 Learning Goals Revisited  I will be able to recognize the three main battles of the Space Race.  I will be able to explain the pathway to putting a man on the moon!

21 Your Turn …  Research time for your project!  Quiz tomorrow!

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