Session 12 Grid Tied PV Systems – Part 2 Design Considerations October 06, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 12 Grid Tied PV Systems – Part 2 Design Considerations October 06, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 12 Grid Tied PV Systems – Part 2 Design Considerations October 06, 2015

2 Session 12 content Grid-Connected Utility-Interactive PV Systems o Codes and Standards o Design Considerations o Residential PV System Example 2

3 Learning Outcomes An examination of the design of a photovoltaic system leading to an understanding of the competing issues involved in solar power development and expansion 3

4 Grid-Tied PV Systems – The Design Process Design Considerations for Residential Scale System o Design based on annual system performance  The objective is to produce a specific percentage of the electrical use of the dwelling  One needs to know:  Annual solar resource amount  Annual electricity consumption  Utility regulations on residential generation percentage o Design based on available space  The objective is to produce as much solar electricity as possible  The available space may refers to roof space or unshaded area for a ground mounted system  One needs to know:  Annual solar resource amount  Utility regulations on residential generation percentage 4

5 Grid-Tied PV Systems – The Design Process Design Goals in any Residential Scale System o Meeting expected (or modeled) performance o Reliable performance o Safe operation o Architectural aesthetics 5

6 Grid-Tied PV Systems – The Design Process Design Steps in any Residential Scale System 1. Examination of site and estimation of performance 2. Securing financing 3. Carrying out PV system engineering and design 4. Securing relevant permits 5. Construction 6. Inspection 7. Connection to the grid 8. Performance monitoring 6

7 Grid-Tied PV Systems – PV system engineering and design Steps in annual system performance design  Evaluation of solar availability and electrical consumption  PV array sizing  Inverter selection  Module selection  Balance of system 7

8 Grid-Tied PV Systems – PV system engineering and design Steps in space constrained design  Evaluation of space availability and solar resource  PV array selection  Inverter selection  Module selection  Balance of system 8

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