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APES AP Test Review Jeopardy 2 tage 3 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A: Laws & People.

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2 APES AP Test Review Jeopardy 2 tage 3 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 A: Laws & People B: Evolution, Extinction, Biodiversity C: Populations D: Human Population E: Miscellaneous Final Jeopardy

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4 Question Answer A-100 ANSWER: An international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the U.S. did not sign it. QUESTION: What is the Kyoto Protocol?

5 Question Answer A-200 ANSWER: Also called the “Superfund,” it is intended to clean up abandoned toxic waste sites. QUESTION: What is another name for CERCLA and what is its primary goal?

6 Question Answer A-300 ANSWER: A pioneer in conservation and environmentalism; he helped establish the National Park system and founded the Sierra Club. QUESTION: Who was John Muir?

7 Question Answer A-400 ANSWER: The legislation that requires the EPA to oversee pesticide regulations. QUESTION: What is FIFRA?

8 Question Answer A-500 ANSWER: Considered the father of wildlife ecology, is also known for his “land ethic.” QUESTION: Who was Aldo Leopold?

9 Question Answer ANSWER: Bioremediation QUESTION: What is the use of living organisms to help clean up or destroy toxic or hazardous substances and wastes? B-100

10 Question Answer B-200 ANSWER: It is the single major cause of current species’ extinctions and rate of extinction increase. QUESTION: What effect does human influence have on extinctions?

11 Question Answer B-300 ANSWER: Areas especially rich in species that are found nowhere else and that are in great danger of extinction. QUESTION: What are hot spots?

12 Question Answer B-400 ANSWER: Coevolution and convergent evolution, respectively QUESTION: In what type of evolution do organisms living in similar conditions evolve together, and in what type of evolution do unrelated species develop similarly because they develop under similar (but different) environmental conditions?

13 Question Answer B-500 ANSWER: 3 characteristics that promote species extinctions QUESTION: What are low reproductive rate, feeding at high trophic levels and rare?

14 Question Answer C-100 ANSWER: The Rule of 70 QUESTION: What is the following formula: Doubling time =_____70______ % growth rate

15 Question Answer C-200 ANSWER: The maximum number of individuals in a species that can be sustained indefinitely in a given area. QUESTION: What is carrying capacity?

16 Question Answer C-300 ANSWER: A J-curve QUESTION: What is the shape of the graph that results when exponential growth is plotted?

17 Question Answer C-400 ANSWER: Species whose population size is usually stable and close to carrying capacity; the species tends to have few offspring, which it cares for, be large and long-lived. QUESTION: What are K-strategists (or K-selected species)?

18 Question Answer C-500 ANSWER: Density-dependent factors QUESTION: What are factors that affect population growth with an increasing effect as population size increases?

19 Question Answer D-100 ANSWER: The term for people leaving a country. QUESTION: What is emigration?

20 Question Answer D-200 ANSWER: Reduce poverty, use family planning strategies, elevate the status of women QUESTION: What seem to be the best strategies to slow human population growth, based on experience from several countries?

21 Question Answer D-300 ANSWER: The equation for population growth rate. QUESTION: What does this equation show? R% = (birth rate + immigration rate) – (death rate + emigration rate)

22 Question Answer D-400 ANSWER: The ranges in the 3 horizontal bands in population age structure diagrams. QUESTION: What are 0-14, 15-44 and 45+?

23 Question Answer D-500 ANSWER: The model that shows the change in birth rate, death rate and population growth as a developing nation gradually improves living conditions. QUESTION: What is the Demographic Transition model?

24 Question Answer E-100 ANSWER: An acronym for not wanting someone else to put an undesirable project (such as a landfill or power plant) in their neighborhood. QUESTION: What is NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard)?

25 Question Answer E-200 ANSWER: Average environmental impact of an individual in terms of the resources needed to support that person compared to other people in different communities. QUESTION: What is an ecological footprint?

26 Question Answer E-300 ANSWER: Unsustainable overconsumption QUESTION: What is affluenza?

27 Question Answer E-400 ANSWER: Sustainable QUESTION: Living without depleting or degrading the earth’s natural resources.

28 Question Answer E-500 ANSWER: The power of the government to force a private citizen to sell property needed for the public good. QUESTION: What is eminent domain?

29 Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: The current global human population QUESTION: What is just over 6 billion?

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