Sylvester Stallone Intro In 1975 Stallone had no options left His script “Rocky” was his last shot Genre Most of Stallone’s Movies are either: Sport/Drama:

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2 Sylvester Stallone Intro In 1975 Stallone had no options left His script “Rocky” was his last shot Genre Most of Stallone’s Movies are either: Sport/Drama: All 5 Rocky Films… Rocky V never happened Action: The Rambo Film’s – The Expendables Triology.

3 Michael Scorsese Intro Born in Little Italy in 1942 Little Italy provided many inspirations for his film’s Genre Crime/Drama 1. Goodfellas 2. The Departed 3. The Wolf of Wall Street

4 Quentin Tarantino Intro His first movie was Reservoir Dogs which was immediately a success and made Tarantino a legend overnight. Genre Action/Drama/Crime with a pinch of pop-culture Reservoir Dogs Pulp Fiction Inglorious Bastards Django Unchained

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