Real World App Development using NEW Telerik ScreenBuilder and NEW Progress Data Source – the basics Brian C. Preece Ypsilon Software Ltd

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Presentation on theme: "Real World App Development using NEW Telerik ScreenBuilder and NEW Progress Data Source – the basics Brian C. Preece Ypsilon Software Ltd"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real World App Development using NEW Telerik ScreenBuilder and NEW Progress Data Source – the basics Brian C. Preece Ypsilon Software Ltd

2 Purpose of this session  To show how to use Telerik Platform to develop a real-world hybrid app  To interface that app with OpenEdge business logic  Target audience: experienced OpenEdge developers

3 Who are Ypsilon Software Ltd?  Independent software development consultants  Consultancy  Bespoke Development  UI Design  Vendor selection  Training  Main speciality: Progress Software tools and related subjects  Principal consultant: Brian Preece  Developer since punched cards and paper tape!  Frequent speaker at Progress conferences on latest topics  Former Chairman of PUG UK and Ireland  Current focus: Mobile App Development using Telerik Platform

4 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

5 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

6 Self scanning  Customers scan their shopping as they go, using a dedicated device or mobile app  They pack their shopping bags as they go round the store  They check out through a dedicated checkout, avoiding the queues  At random intervals, baskets are rescanned to discourage pilfering

7 Customers and stores both benefit BenefitCustomerStore Fast checkout at special lane – minimal queuing You can pack as you shop Other customers and cashier can’t see your purchases Your basket total is calculated as you shop You can be alerted to special offers and deals The store gets detailed basket analysis by customer?

8 Why have an app for this?  Saves money for the store  Allows the app to extend beyond the store e.g. shopping list, push notifications of tailored discounts and offers, location based offers etc. etc. etc. The ultimate BYOD!

9 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

10 Self scanning Demonstration

11 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

12 What are hybrid mobile apps?  iPhone launched in 2007, App Store in 2008  First Android phone launched in 2008, Play Store in 2008 (as Android Market)  iPhone apps programmed in Objective C (now Swift), Android in Java  So apps had to be developed separately for both platforms  HTML5/ CSS launched in 2012 to allow Responsive Web Apps to be developed  Particularly for small form factor of mobile devices  PhoneGap Build launched 2012  Converted mobile web apps into native apps for Android and iOS, later Windows Phone  Thus was born the Hybrid App  Not as tailored for the device as a native app  But could interact with device hardware  One app would work on any supported platform

13 What is Telerik Platform?  Can be used for hybrid apps, mobile web sites, desktop web sites, native apps  Very sophisticated ecosystem  Aimed at developers comfortable with writing HTML5/ CSS/ JavaScript directly  Based on Kendo Mobile UI  Can also use JQuery mobile  Currently developing WYSIWIG development tool called ScreenBuilder  Progress Data Source is the official integration of the OpenEdge JSDO  You currently need a Telerik Enterprise license to use the PDS

14 OpenEdge/ Telerik Integration  Has been going on this summer  JSDO has been made “KendoUI-friendly” and becomes the Progress Data Service  Telerik are working on a WYSIWYG designer called ScreenBuilder  I’ve used both of these tools to develop my app  I’m a beta tester/ consultant to the ScreenBuilder design team

15 JavaScript vs ABL  JavaScript has:  Java-like syntax  No proper OO  No type checking for variables or method signatures  No syntax checking  No complex data structures like collections  Variables don’t have to be declared ***  JQuery issues:  Many functions access DOM objects using quoted strings  Conclusion: Perform as much business logic as possible in ABL However, no escape with Telerik Platform!

16 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

17 Code view

18 Agenda  Customer self scanning in retail stores  Demo  Using Telerik Platform for mobile apps for business  Code view  Developing business entities  Developing the UI  Wiring it up  Conclusions and questions

19 Conclusions  Hybrid apps are a good way to develop business applications  Telerik Platform is a great toolset if you are happy working with code  Not so good for “Application Developers”  ScreenBuilder is trying to address this  Deployment both for testing and distribution very easy  Write as much logic in the Business Entity as possible  Come to my Advanced Techniques presentation to learn more!

20 Questions?

21 Thanks for your time!

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