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Published byOsborne Anthony Modified over 9 years ago
Tractable Higher Order Models in Computer Vision (Part II) Slides from Carsten Rother, Sebastian Nowozin, Pusohmeet Khli Microsoft Research Cambridge Presented by Xiaodan Liang
Part II Submodularity Move making algorithms Higher-order model : P n Potts model
Feature selection
Factoring distributions Problem inherently combinatorial!
Example: Greedy algorithm for feature selection
6 s Key property: Diminishing returns Selection A = {} Selection B = {X 2,X 3 } Adding X 1 will help a lot! Adding X 1 doesn’t help much New feature X 1 B A s + + Large improvement Small improvement Submodularity: Y “Sick” X 1 “Fever” X 2 “Rash” X 3 “Male” Y “Sick” Theorem [Krause, Guestrin UAI ‘05] : Information gain F(A) in Naïve Bayes models is submodular!
7 Why is submodularity useful? Theorem [Nemhauser et al ‘78] Greedy maximization algorithm returns A greedy : F(A greedy ) ¸ (1-1/e) max |A| k F(A) Greedy algorithm gives near-optimal solution! For info-gain: Guarantees best possible unless P = NP! [Krause, Guestrin UAI ’05] ~63%
8 Submodularity in Machine Learning Many ML problems are submodular, i.e., for F submodular require: Minimization: A* = argmin F(A) – Structure learning (A* = argmin I(X A ; X V \ A )) – Clustering – MAP inference in Markov Random Fields –…–… Maximization: A* = argmax F(A) – Feature selection – Active learning – Ranking –…–…
Set functions
Submodular set functions Set function F on V is called submodular if Equivalent diminishing returns characterization: S B A S + + Large improvement Small improvement Submodularity: B A A [ B AÅBAÅB + + ¸
Submodularity and supermodularity
Example: Mutual information
13 Closedness properties F 1,…,F m submodular functions on V and 1,…, m > 0 Then: F(A) = i i F i (A) is submodular! Submodularity closed under nonnegative linear combinations! Extremely useful fact!! – F (A) submodular ) P( ) F (A) submodular! – Multicriterion optimization: F 1,…,F m submodular, i ¸ 0 ) i i F i (A) submodular
14 Submodularity and Concavity |A| g(|A|)
15 Maximum of submodular functions Suppose F 1 (A) and F 2 (A) submodular. Is F(A) = max(F 1 (A),F 2 (A)) submodular? |A| F 2 (A) F 1 (A) F(A) = max(F 1 (A),F 2 (A)) max(F 1,F 2 ) not submodular in general!
16 Minimum of submodular functions Well, maybe F(A) = min(F 1 (A),F 2 (A)) instead? F 1 (A)F 2 (A)F(A) ; 000 {a}100 {b}010 {a,b}111 F({b}) – F( ; )=0 F({a,b}) – F({a})=1 < But stay tuned min(F 1,F 2 ) not submodular in general!
17 Duality For F submodular on V let G(A) = F(V) – F(V \ A) G is supermodular and called dual to F Details about properties in [Fujishige ’91] |A| F(A) |A| G(A)
18 Submodularity and convexity
19 The submodular polyhedron P F Example: V = {a,b} x({a}) · F({a}) x({b}) · F({b}) x({a,b}) · F({a,b}) PFPF x {a} x {b} 01 1 2 -2 AF(A) ; 0 {a} {b}2 {a,b}0
Lovasz extension
22 w {a} w {b} 01 1 2 -2 Example: Lovasz extension g([0,1]) = [0,1] T [-2,2] = 2 = F({b}) g([1,1]) = [1,1] T [-1,1] = 0 = F({a,b}) {}{a} {b}{a,b} [-1,1] [-2,2] g(w) = max {w T x: x 2 P F } w=[0,1] want g(w) Greedy ordering: e 1 = b, e 2 = a w(e 1 )=1 > w(e 2 )=0 x w (e 1 )=F({b})-F( ; )=2 x w (e 2 )=F({b,a})-F({b})=-2 x w =[-2,2] AF(A) ; 0 {a} {b}2 {a,b}0
23 Why is this useful? Theorem [Lovasz ’83]: g(w) attains its minimum in [0,1] n at a corner! If we can minimize g on [0,1] n, can minimize F… (at corners, g and F take same values) F(A) submodular g(w) convex (and efficient to evaluate) Does the converse also hold? No, consider g(w 1,w 2,w 3 ) = max(w 1,w 2 +w 3 ) {a}{b}{c} F({a,b})-F({a})=0 < F({a,b,c})-F({a,c})=1
Minimizing a submodular function Ellipsoid algorithm Interior Points algorithm
Example: Image denoising
26 Example: Image denoising X1X1 X4X4 X7X7 X2X2 X5X5 X8X8 X3X3 X6X6 X9X9 Y1Y1 Y4Y4 Y7Y7 Y2Y2 Y5Y5 Y8Y8 Y3Y3 Y6Y6 Y9Y9 P(x 1,…,x n,y 1,…,y n ) = i,j i,j (y i,y j ) i i (x i,y i ) Want argmax y P(y | x) =argmax y log P(x,y) =argmin y i,j E i,j (y i,y j )+ i E i (y i ) When is this MAP inference efficiently solvable (in high treewidth graphical models)? E i,j (y i,y j ) = -log i,j (y i,y j ) Pairwise Markov Random Field X i : noisy pixels Y i : “true” pixels
MAP inference in Markov Random Fields [Kolmogorov et al, PAMI ’04, see also: Hammer, Ops Res ‘65]
28 Constrained minimization
Part II Submodularity Move making algorithms Higher-order model : P n Potts model
Multi-Label problems
Move making expansions move and swap move for this problem
Metric and Semi metric Potential functions
if the pairwise potential functions define a metric then the energy function in equation (8) can be approximately minimized using alpha expansions. if pairwise potential functions defines a semi- metric, it can be minimized using alpha beta- swaps.
Move Energy Each move: A transformation function: The energy of a move t: The optimal move: Submodular set functions play an important role in energy minimization as they can be minimized in polynomial time
The swap move algorithm
The expansion move algorithm
Higher order potential The class of higher order clique potentials for which the expansion and swap moves can be computed in polynomial time The clique potential take the form:
Question you should be asking: Show that move energy is submodular for all x c Can my higher order potential be solved using α-expansions?
Form of the Higher Order Potentials Moves for Higher Order Potentials Clique Inconsistency function: Pairwise potential: xixi xjxj xkxk xmxm xlxl c Sum Form Max Form
Theoretical Results: Swap Move energy is always submodular if non-decreasing concave. proofs
Condition for Swap move Concave Function:
Prove all projections on two variables of any alpha beta-swap move energy are submodular. The cost of any configuration
substitute Constraints 1: Lema 1: Constraints2:
Condition for alpha expansion Metric:
Form of the Higher Order Potentials Moves for Higher Order Potentials Clique Inconsistency function: Pairwise potential: xixi xjxj xkxk xmxm xlxl c Sum Form Max Form
Part II Submodularity Move making algorithms Higher-order model : P n Potts model
Image Segmentation E(X) = ∑ c i x i + ∑ d ij |x i -x j | ii,j E: {0,1} n → R 0 → fg, 1 → bg n = number of pixels [Boykov and Jolly ‘ 01] [Blake et al. ‘04] [Rother et al.`04] Image Unary Cost Segmentation
P n Potts Potentials Patch Dictionary (Tree) C max 0 { 0 if x i = 0, i p C max otherwise h(X p ) = p [slide credits: Kohli]
P n Potts Potentials E(X) = ∑ c i x i + ∑ d ij |x i -x j | + ∑ h p (X p ) ii,j p p { 0 if x i = 0, i p C max otherwise h(X p ) = E: {0,1} n → R 0 → fg, 1 → bg n = number of pixels [slide credits: Kohli]
Theoretical Results: Expansion Move energy is always submodular if increasing linear See paper for proofs
P N Potts Model c
c Cost :
P N Potts Model c Cost : max
Optimal moves for P N Potts Computing the optimal swap move c Label 3 Label 4 Case 1 Not all variables assigned label 1 or 2 Move Energy is independent of t c and can be ignored. Label 1 Label 2
Optimal moves for P N Potts Computing the optimal swap move c Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Case 2 All variables assigned label 1 or 2
Optimal moves for P N Potts Computing the optimal swap move c Label 3 Label 4 Case 2 All variables assigned label 1 or 2 Can be minimized by solving a st- mincut problem Label 1 Label 2
Solving the Move Energy Add a constant This transformation does not effect the solution add a constant K to all possible values of the clique potential without changing the optimal move
Solving the Move Energy Computing the optimal swap move Source Sink v1v1 v2v2 vnvn MsMs MtMt t i = 0 v i Source Set t j = 1 v j Sink Set
Solving the Move Energy Computing the optimal swap move Case 1: all x i = (v i Source ) Cost: Source Sink v1v1 v2v2 vnvn MsMs MtMt
Solving the Move Energy Computing the optimal swap move v1v1 v2v2 vnvn MsMs MtMt Cost: Source Sink Case 2: all x i = (v i Sink )
Solving the Move Energy Computing the optimal swap move Cost: v1v1 v2v2 vnvn MsMs MtMt Source Sink Case 3: all x i = (v i Source, Sink ) Recall that the cost of an st-mincut is the sum of weights of the edges included in the stmincut which go from the source set to the sink set.
Optimal moves for P N Potts The expansion move energy Similar graph construction.
Experimental Results Texture Segmentation Unary (Colour) Pairwise (Smoothness) Higher Order (Texture) Original PairwiseHigher order
Experimental Results OriginalSwap (3.2 sec) Expansion (2.5 sec) PairwiseHigher Order Swap (4.2 sec) Expansion (3.0 sec)
Experimental Results Original PairwiseHigher Order Swap (4.7 sec) Expansion (3.7sec) Swap (5.0 sec) Expansion (4.4 sec)
More Higher-order models
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