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Perl Chapter 6 Functions. Subprograms In Perl, all subprograms are functions – returns 0 or 1 value – although may have “side-effects” optional function.

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Presentation on theme: "Perl Chapter 6 Functions. Subprograms In Perl, all subprograms are functions – returns 0 or 1 value – although may have “side-effects” optional function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perl Chapter 6 Functions

2 Subprograms In Perl, all subprograms are functions – returns 0 or 1 value – although may have “side-effects” optional function declaration – heading, no code sub fn_name; function definition – heading, has code – can be ANYWHERE, except inside another function sub fn_name { ….}

3 C:\>perl sub print_header;print_header();sub print_header{ print “\n Hello\n”; print “\n Hello\n”;}^Z Output:Hello Note: If function declaration used, can call print_header; #with no ()s declaration call definition

4 Textbook’s Style function definitions first, then program.

5 Value returning functions Two ways 1.predefined function return 2.returns value of last expression evaluatedsub foo { return (expr);expr;} (1)(2) return function can be called anywhere in function (and in more than one place, but…)

6 Context of function call context of call (scalar or list) dictates context of evaluation of returned value def: sub sub1{ @result =(1,3,5); } call: $scalar = sub1(); #$scalar assigned 3 @list = sub1(); #@list assigned (1,3,5)

7 Scope and Lifetime scope – range of statements over which variable is visible (spatial concept) lifetime – begins when created and ends when no longer can be used (temporal concept) global scope – variable visible in whole program file – not good inside a function (name conflicts)

8 2 kinds of Local variables – static local just inside function or block 2.local – dynamic local inside function or block and any functions called within block dangerous sub sub1{ my $sum=0;# scope of static local $sum …# is just function sub1 }

9 Advantage: local variables give slightly faster access than global variables For readability - declare local variables at beginning of function To disallow non-static scoped variables use strict ‘vars’; #also forces all program #variables to be declared my is a function in some situations my ($a, @list) = (3,2,7,6);

10 Parameters actual parameters (arguments) – specified in call to a function formal parameters – variables in function corresponding to actuals pass by value pass by reference (2 ways)

11 Pass by reference – 1 st way Done through implicit array variable @_ or @ARG For @ARG (use statement use English; in program) At time of call, values of actual parameters are copied into @ARG At time of return, values from @ARG copied back.

12 @list =(1,3,5); fun (6, @list); sub fun{ #@ARG  (6,1,3,5) … } if hash  flattened into array (better to pass by reference 2 nd way) number of actual doesn’t have to match number of formals – too many, ignores – too few, undef

13 sub addto{ $ARG[0] += $ARG[1]; } $a=5; addto($a, 7); What is $a now? What happens if we try to change $ARG[1]? 12 ignores it, can’t change 7

14 sub adder{ ++$ARG[0]; ++$ARG[1]; } $x=7; @list=(1,3,5); adder($x, @list); $ARG[0]=7  8 [1]=1  2 [2]=3 [3]=5 $x now 8 @list now (2,3,5) sub swap{ ($ARG[1], $ARG[0] = ($ARG[0], $ARG[1]); } swap ($a, $b);

15 Pass by value Copy @ARG’s values to static locals sub sub1{ my ($x, $y, $z) = @ARG; … } passing hashes by value – make it ONLY parameter sub sub1{ my %my_people = @ARG; … } … sub1(%people);

16 Passing references as parameters – 2 nd way pass references to actual parameters – ref to array  single scalar assigned to @ARG – array  copies ALL elements to @ARG sub do_array{ my $ref_list = $ARG[0]; … } … do_array (\@list); #same with a hash \%table

17 Apply function to list of parameters sub do_list{ my @list = @ARG; … return @list; } ($count, $sum, @totals)=do_list($count, $sum, @totals); ARRAY LAST!

18 indirect calls if you have one of five different functions to be called depending on a string value of scalar variable – simulated switch or – construct hash of string key => address of function

19 predefined functions abs, chr, exit, exp, ord, log, rand, sqrt warn instead of die ….

20 sort function (again) additional parameter specifies comparison operator sort @list; #default was ascending cmp on strings for numbers, use as comparison operator array of numbers in ascending order @list = sort {$a $b;} @list; #book typo array of numbers in descending order @list = sort{$b $a;} @list; array of strings in descending order @list = sort{$b cmp $a;} @list;

21 Handout A subroutine defined or declared without parameter list can be called without any restrictions on the number or type of parameters passed A subroutine defined with a parameter list MUST be called with exactly the parameters specified or compilation error results

22 Sample parameter lists () zero parameters required or accepted ($) 1 scalar parameter required ($; \@) 1 scalar parameter required, 2 nd parameter optional, but must be array (reference) ($$$@) First 3 scalar, remaining actual put in ending put in ending array (\@\%$;$$) array reference, hash reference, scalar, 2 optional scalars

23 sub subp (\@$\@\%$){ my ($arrayRef1, $size, $arrayRef2, $hashRef, $scalar)=@ARG; } subp(@list, $size, @digits, %table, $tableSize);

24 Future Skip chapter 7 for now (Pattern Matching) Did 8 Go to 9 on Monday on CGI programming w/ Perl

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