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Textured tiles Can be art!.

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Presentation on theme: "Textured tiles Can be art!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Textured tiles Can be art!

2 The following slides show textured tile art
The following slides show textured tile art. Some have an actual tactile texture where others may simply have a visual one. Either is possible in your next assignment.












14 Textured tile assignment:
1. You will create a 5” by 5” tile starting with making a slab. 2. You will create a texture on it. It may be abstract or it may have imagery. 3. Most of the texture will need to be tactile, but part may be part of how you glaze it with the colored glazes. 4. It will have to be glazed as a finished piece. 5. It must be at least 3/8” thick as a base then you may add on top of it. 6. Must be neat in execution. 7. It cannot have structural flaws such as cracks unless the crack is intended as part of the design such as looking like parched earth. 8. You must do a drawing before you start and hand the drawing in with the tile. 9. It will need a hole of sorts so that it can hang on the wall. 10. It must be your own design and not copied off of someone else in the class or on the internet. Never plagiarize!

15 References:

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