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The Firm Foundation 2 Timothy 2:14-19. Madalyn Murray O’Hare.

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1 The Firm Foundation 2 Timothy 2:14-19



4 Madalyn Murray O’Hare

5 During your spiritual journey have you ever strayed from the truth and followed false teaching? If so what? If not, how have you avoided it?

6 Do you think Americans are more knowledgeable about the Gospel (Jesus as the only way) and accepting of this truth than in the past? Why or why not?

7 President Obama


9 DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.What does Paul’s warning to Timothy (2 Timothy 2:14) “not to wrangle about words,” allude to? To not argue about the interpretation of Scripture when the result does not have eternal significance and only God knows the truth.

10 DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.What are examples of debates in the church that could be seen as “wrangling about words?” End time order and events, election vs. free will, creation time of events, spiritual gifts, etc.

11 DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What can be the outcome for the hearers when doctrine is debated? (v. 14) It can lead to the ruin of the hearers. They can become disillusioned and confused in their beliefs.

12 DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.Paul tells Timothy to handle the word “accurately” (v. 15). What is the Greek meaning of this command? It literally means “cutting a straight road” or “imparting it without deviation.”

13 DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.What “empty chatter” was Paul attacking in (2 Timothy 2:16-18)? Some were teaching that the resurrection had already happened and it was spreading throughout.

14 DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.What damage can be done when the faith of some is upset? (v. 18) Some have doubts and become less faithful. Some have doubts and fall away completely.

15 DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.Is there anyone you know who has fallen away from the faith that you need to reach out to?

16 DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.What promise is found in (v. 19)? “The Firm Foundation of God stands.”

17 DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.How do the following statements affect you? a. “The Lord knows who are His” b. “Let everyone who names the name of the Lord abstain from wickedness”

18 DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. Do you need to return, recommit to the “Firm Foundation of God?” What steps can you take?

19 Staying Committed to the Firm Foundation A committed Christ follower…. 1. Puts Jesus first in all things (Mark 8:34-38) 2. Follows Jesus’ teachings (John 8:31-32) 3. Is fruitful (John 15:5-8) 4. Loves other disciples (John 13:34-35) 5. Makes disciples of others (Matthew 28:18- 20)

20 You are in a discussion with a person who says he/she believes Jesus is a way to heaven but so is Islam, Buddhism and other belief systems. He/she shares that if you believe Jesus is the only way you are intolerant and judgmental. How would you address this person? What Scriptures could you utilize to support your position?


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