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Chapter 4 Review QuiZ.

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1 Chapter 4 Review QuiZ

2 1. Where was Mesopotamia located?
Mesopotamia is located in modern day Iraq.

3 #2 Name the two rivers of Mesopotamia.
The two famous rivers of Mesopotamia are the Tigres and Euprates.

4 #3 What happened every year that would make the land fertile?
The Tigres and Euprates rivers would flood their banks each year.

5 #4 Why was irrigation so important to the people living in Mesopotamia?
Mesopotamia was a dry area, so bringing fresh river water to the crops was vital to survive.

6 #5 What is a city state and why were they important?
City States were the walled towns and cities of the times, that offered protection and were economic centers for trade, religious life and culture.

7 #6 What is polytheism? Polytheism is the belief in many gods or goddesses.

8 #7 How did the Sumerians make their buildings?
The Sumerians made their buildings out of mud bricks.

9 #8 What is a Ziggurat? What went on inside?
Ziggurats were the temples and government buildings, storehouses and offices in the centers of Mesopotamian City-States.

10 #9 What is cuneiform and what do scribes do?
Cuneiform is the world’s oldest form of writing. Scribes were important jobs for the people of Mesopotamia. Their jobs were to keep written records of important things, events, and trade.

11 #10 Name some contributions the people of Mesopotamia had achieved.
Plow, wheel, calendar, laws, writing, astrology, farming, irrigation, living in cities, and domesticated animals. #10 Name some contributions the people of Mesopotamia had achieved.

12 #11 What is an Epic? A long poem or story with much action and adventure.

13 #12 Name four ancient empires of Mesopotamia
The Akkadian Empire, Babylonia Empire, Assyrian Empire, and the Chaldean Empire.

14 #13 What did Sargon do first? (that no one else had ever done)
Sargon created the worlds first EMPIRE.

15 #14 What invention did the Assyrians have that made their military superior?
They had weapons made of IRON and war chariots. This made them the strongest military power of the times.

16 #15 What is the basis for the code of Hamurabi?
The main idea of the Code of Hamurabi is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This means that if you wrong somebody, an equally harsh punishment will be handed down to you.


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