Law 227: Trademarks & Unfair Competition U.S. Prosecution, Part II June 25, 2009 Jefferson Scher.

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1 Law 227: Trademarks & Unfair Competition U.S. Prosecution, Part II June 25, 2009 Jefferson Scher

2 TM & Unfair Comp — Day 8 Agenda Examination of U.S. applications  Section 2(e) — Distinctiveness  General: In re Gyulay, Colonial Stores, National Semiconductor, Deus Technologies  Misdescriptiveness/Deceptiveness: 217-224  Geographic: 248-260, Supp 29-30  Surnames: 260-263  Sample office action responses

3 Federal Registration Process Distinctiveness — Recap The “Spectrum” of Distinctiveness  Generic — never protectable/registrable  Descriptive — can become protectable; registrable with secondary meaning  Suggestive, Arbitrary, Fanciful — protectable upon use; registrable upon use or with intent to use followed by proof of use

4 Federal Registration Process Descriptive/Suggestive Boundary PTO Approach  Suggestiveness = imagination test  “Suggestive marks are those that, when applied to the good or services at issue, require imagination, thought or perception to reach a conclusion as to the nature of those goods and services. Thus, a suggestive term differs from a descriptive term, which immediately tells something about the goods and services.” §1209.01(a)

5 Federal Registration Process Descriptive/Suggestive Cases Mere Descriptiveness  In re Gyulay: APPLE PIE potpourri  In re Colonial Stores: SUGAR & SPICE baked goods  In re National Semiconductor: WEBPAD handheld for accessing the Internet  In re Deus Technologies: RAPIDSCREEN medical imaging system to scan x-rays

6 Federal Registration Process Sample Descriptiveness Responses DeliverE for advertising services BUSINESS WITHOUT INTERRUPTION for software HOMEPORTAL for residential gateway NETBACKUP for software MARKETTOOLS for market research services

7 Federal Registration Process Deceptive Misdescriptiveness Deceptive Misdescriptiveness Test  (1) Mark misdescribes the goods  (2) Consumers are likely to believe the misrepresentation Deceptiveness adds a third element  (3) Misrepresentation would materially affect the decision to purchase the goods

8 Federal Registration Process Registration of Place Names Test for geographic descriptiveness  (1) Primary significance of the mark is geographic  (2) Purchasers likely to think the goods originate from the place identified in the mark (“goods/place association”)  (3) Goods do originate from that place

9 Federal Registration Process Registration of Place Names Deceptive misdescriptiveness  (1) Primary significance is geographic  (2) Goods/place association  (3) Goods do not originate there  (4) Erroneous belief about origin of the goods would materially affect purchase decision (e.g., because renowned for the relevant goods)

10 Federal Registration Process Refusal When Not Used as a Mark What about HEMI?  Refers to “hemispherical” cylinder heads of the engine... how to own it for cars?  Use “on” the goods  Use perceived as a source identifier  Where would you put the mark?  How else might you show that it functions as a mark for cars?

11 Federal Registration Process Testing Your Understanding Summer 2005 Final Exam Scenario 1  Structure of scenario  Office action, web pages from “the file”  Draft response (with additional comments)  “Short answer” questions (Q1, Q8)  Multiple choice questions (Q2-7, Q9-16)  Estimated time to complete: 2 hours  Difficult without a good outline!

12 TM & Unfair Comp — Up Next Topics and Reading for Day 9 Loss of Rights, Due Diligence  Genericism  Ch. 5, pp. 274-305; Supplement pp. 31-36  Abandonment  Ch. 5, pp. 305-326; Supplement pp. 36-39  Online: Sample transactional documents  Due Diligence  Online: Scenario

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