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Electromagnetism Zhu Jiongming Department of Physics Shanghai Teachers University.

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetism Zhu Jiongming Department of Physics Shanghai Teachers University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetism Zhu Jiongming Department of Physics Shanghai Teachers University

2 Electromagnetism Chapter 1 Electric Field Chapter 2 Conductors Chapter 3 Dielectrics Chapter 4 Direct-Current Circuits Chapter 5 Magnetic Field Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction Chapter 7 Magnetic MaterialsMagnetic Materials Chapter 8 Alternating Current Chapter 9 Electromagnetic Waves

3 Chapter 7 Magnetic Materials §1. Basic Laws in Magnetic MaterialsBasic Laws in Magnetic Materials §2. Paramagnetism and DiamagnetismParamagnetism and Diamagnetism §3. Ferromagnetism and FerromagneticsFerromagnetism and Ferromagnetics §4. Magnetic Field EnergyMagnetic Field Energy

4 §1. Basic Laws in Magnetic Materials 1. Magnetizing and Magnetization of MaterialsMagnetizing and Magnetization of Materials ● Magnetizing ● Magnetization 2. Magnetization CurrentMagnetization Current 3. Magnetic Field Intensity Ampere’s Law in Magnetic Materials 4. ExamplesExamples

5 1. Magnetizing and Magnetization magnetic material  magnetized  loop model for electron orbits Comparison : dielectric material  polarized  electric dipole F MagnetizingMagnetizing F MagnetizationMagnetization

6 Magnetizing of Materials loop model  atomic magnetic dipole moment p m  aligned ( magnetized ) i pmpm I free current ( conducting ) I 0  B 0 bound current ( magnetized ) I’  B’ B = B 0 + B’  cancel out inside  bound current on outline

7 Magnetization F Magnetization : vector sum of p m per unit volume F Uniform : M is same at every point in material compare : F Experiments : in isotropic non-ferromagnetics M = gB compare : P =  0 E  paramagnetics : g > 0 M and B same direction  diamagnetics : g < 0 M and B opposite F magnetic materials paramagnetic diamagnetic ferromagnetic non-ferromagnetic

8 2. Magnetization Current ( 1 ) surface S , border L bound current I’ passing through S L S Only the loop currents round L contribute to I’

9 2. Magnetization Current ( 1 ) L S surface S , border L bound current I’ passing through S Only the loop currents round L contribute to I’

10  volume : Sdl cos   number of loop : NSdl cos  ( center of which in the cylinder )  current : dI’ = I m NSdl cos  2. Magnetization Current ( 2 ) N : number of molecules per unit volume I m : molecule’s loop current Compare :  M dldl S inclined cylinder : length dl, base area S of loop

11 2. Magnetization Current ( 3 ) Surface current density —— charges perpendicularly passing through unit length per unit time ( on surface ) dldl dI’dI’ F It is proved ( skip )  Uniformly magnetized : j’ = 0  Interface between two materials :  ’ = ( M 2 - M 1 )  n ( n : 2  1 ) Compare : uniform  ’ = 0  ’ = ( P 2 - P 1 ) · n

12 3. Ampere’s Law in Magnetic Materials Vacuum : M =0 , B =  0 H Definition : D   0 E + P Electric displacement Magnetic field intensity

13 Magnetic Field Intensity H D   0 E + P

14 Magnetic Field Intensity H Magnetic Field Intensity H Relationship between B and H B =  0 ( H + M ) M =  m H  B =  0 ( H +  m H ) Magnetic susceptibility :  m Relative permeability :  r = 1 +  m Permeability :  =  0  r Permeability of vacuum :  0

15 Example 1 ( p.288 / [Ex.] ) Toroidal solenoid , r << R Known : I 0, n, , V Find : H, B, L Sol. : inside : take a loop as shown R r ( outside : H out = 0, B out = 0 )  S = B in S =  nI 0 S ,  S = N  S = n2  R·  nI 0 S =  n 2 V I 0  L =  S / I 0 =  n 2 V ( vacuum : L 0 =  0 n 2 V ) =  r L 0

16 Example 2 ( p.315 / 7 - 1 - 1 )( 1 ) Uniformly magnetized sphere M R  z o Known : R, M ( along z axis ) Find :  ’ ( on surface ), p m Sol. : Material 2 , vacuum 1 n = r ( 2  1 ) M 2 = M, M 1 = 0 ( direction : right hand rule )

17 Example 2 ( p.315 / 7 - 1 - 1 )( 2 ) ( direction : along z ) Consider : a vacuum sphere in an infinite magnetic material ( find  ’ on surface etc. )

18 Exercises p.315 / 7 - 1 - 2, 3, 4

19 §2. Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism 1. ParamagnetismParamagnetism 2. DiamagnetismDiamagnetism

20 1. Paramagnetism Molecules, atoms  electrons orbital / spin magnetic dipole moment  not cancel : permanent magnetic moment p m  cancel out : p m is 0 ( of a molecule ) p m  paramagnetism  external field B = 0 , thermal motion  p m orient randomly , cancel out  M = 0  B  0 , p m tend to line up with B  M  0 paramagnetic material : p m  0 include : aluminium, natrium, oxygen etc.

21 2. Diamagnetism ( 1 ) Exhibited by all materials, very weak, opposite to B  material with p m  0 , exhibit paramagnetism  material with p m = 0 , exhibit diamagnetism electron moving in a circular path , B introduced , r no change,  increased  p m changed, opposite to B  diamagnetism 00 p m0 -e-e v

22 2. Diamagnetism ( 2 ) Assume B and  0 in the same direction B -e-e F Lorentz force : F L = e ( v 0 +  v ) B Centripetal force : EIEI

23 2. Diamagnetism ( 3 )  -e-e  r unchanged ,  > 0   p m opposite to B  diamagnetism, very weak pmpm B

24 §3. Ferromagnetism 1. Magnetizing Properties of Ferromagnetic MaterialMagnetizing Properties of Ferromagnetic Material 2. Classification and ApplicationClassification and Application 3. Magnetic DomainsMagnetic Domains non-ferromagnetism : M = gB =  m H B =  H 0 H B ferromagnetism :? —— experiment

25 Experiment A R 1 2 test B Experiment : Adjust R to control I obtain H = nI Electromagnetic induction SKIP EXPERIMENT

26 F continue , B changing slow down F beyond S , H  , B almost not change ( saturation magnetic intensity H S )  H  to 0 , B - H curve not retraced F H = 0 , B  0 ( residual field ) magnetic hysteresis  switch to 2 , I reversed , H : 0  - H S  H = - H D , B = 0 , H D rectification force  H  : - H S  H S , closed , hysteresis loop 1. Magnetizing Properties ( 1 ) F open switch , H = 0 , B = 0 , O F R maximum , switch to 1 , A F R  , H  , B  , AC A S C R o H B

27 1. Magnetizing Properties ( 2 ) F Saturation magnetic intensity H S F Residual field B R F Magnetic hysteresis F Rectification force H D F Hysteresis loop ( Symmetry about O ) F Small hysteresis loop o H B R S D S’ D’ R’ F H corresponding to many B Magnetization curve H and B : 1 to 1

28 1. Magnetizing Properties ( 3 ) F Magnetization curve H and B : 1 to 1 F Permeability of a ferromagnetic material : O H B,  B   not a constant  very large  r ~ 10 4

29 2. Classification and Application F Three characteristics :  high  : strong field by weak current , motors, transformers  Non-linearity : non-linear elements  Magnetic hysteresis : permanent magnets F Classification :  Soft magnetism  Hard magnetism o H B Hard Soft

30 F Effect of external magnetic field :  growth in size of the domains oriented along Bgrowth in size of the domains oriented along B  shift of the orientation of dipoles in a domain Magnetizing : H  , M  , B  B =  0 (H + M ) saturation : M stop increasing F Not reversible : as H removed F Temperature : thermal motion 3. Magnetic Domains ( Quantum theory ) F Magnetic domains : magnetized regions H = 0 , M = 0 T > T C paramagnetism T < T C ferromagnetism T C : critical temperature Curie Point

31 Exercises p.316 / 7 - 3 - 1

32 §4. Magnetic Field Energy Energy density w m at every point in the magnetic field Consider a solenoid inside : H = nI , B =  nI ( uniform field ) outside : H = 0 , B = 0 Self-inductance : Magnetic energy : Energy density : Non-uniform : w m ( x, y, z )

33 Example A long coaxial cable made of cylinders of radius r 1 < r 2 and material of permeability  carries a current I. Find magnetic energy and self-inductance of a length l. Sol. : H = I / 2  r ( r 1 < r <r 2 ) , H = 0 ( r r 2 )

34 Exercises p.316 / 7 - 6 - 1, 2, 3

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