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Concurrent Garbage Collection Presented by Roman Kecher GC Seminar, Tel-Aviv University 23-Dec-141.

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Presentation on theme: "Concurrent Garbage Collection Presented by Roman Kecher GC Seminar, Tel-Aviv University 23-Dec-141."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concurrent Garbage Collection Presented by Roman Kecher GC Seminar, Tel-Aviv University 23-Dec-141

2 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem  Tricolor invariants  Barrier techniques for concurrent GC  Complete enumeration of techniques  Efficient implementation through card tables  Summary 23-Dec-142

3 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections 23-Dec-143

4 Concurrent GC  A concurrent GC is essentially a collector running in parallel to the mutator (in different threads)  It may stop the mutator at some points, to synchronize etc  Different from what we have seen by now  A collector must be able to operate incrementally  We will describe a number of different collection types  Suffering from similar limitations  Eventually leading to the concurrent collection 23-Dec-144

5 Incremental collection  First, on a Uniprocessor Time 23-Dec-145

6 Incremental collection  On a Multiprocessor: 23-Dec-146

7 Incremental collection  On a Multiprocessor:  Can also be parallelized: 23-Dec-147

8 Mostly concurrent collection 23-Dec-148

9 Mostly concurrent collection  Can also be incremental: 23-Dec-149

10 Concurrent (“on-the-fly”) collection 23-Dec-1410

11 Concurrent (“on-the-fly”) collection  Can also be incremental: 23-Dec-1411

12 Correctness of concurrent collection  Safety  Retains at least all reachable objects  May leave “floating garbage”  Liveness  Collector must eventually complete its collection cycle 23-Dec-1412

13 Atomicity  Each collector and mutator operation will be specified as operating atomically  Without loss of generality, can consider only a single mutator and a single collector  Actual implementation of the concurrency control  Left to the discretion of the implementer  Possibilities discussed in the “Concurrency Preliminaries” chapter 23-Dec-1413

14 Revisiting the tricolor abstraction  White objects  Have not (yet) been reached by the collector  Considered garbage at the end  Grey objects  Have been reached but not yet fully processed (may still point to white objects)  Black objects  Have been fully processed (don’t point to white objects immediately after the scan) 23-Dec-1414

15 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1415

16 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1416

17 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1417

18 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1418

19 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1419

20 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1420

21 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1421

22 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1422

23 Tricolor abstraction and grey wavefront Roots 23-Dec-1423

24 The grey wavefront  The boundary between black and white objects  Works great when there is no interleaving of collector and mutator  Recall the definition of a write operation:  atomic Write(src, i, new): old  src[i] src[i]  new 23-Dec-1424

25 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem 23-Dec-1425

26 The lost object problem  Mutator can insert an object behind the wavefront  A reference to a white object is taken (ahead of the wavefront)  Moved to a black object (behind the wavefront)  Original path(s) to it deleted  Two examples:  Direct  The link to the object itself is deleted  Transitive  A link on the path to the object is deleted 23-Dec-1426

27 Hiding a reachable object – direct Roots XY a Z 23-Dec-1427

28 Hiding a reachable object – direct Roots XY a Z b  D1:  Write(X, b, Read(Y, a)) 23-Dec-1428

29 Hiding a reachable object – direct  D2:  Write(Y, a, null) Roots XY Z b 23-Dec-1429

30 Hiding a reachable object – direct  D3:  scan(Y) Roots XY Z b 23-Dec-1430

31 Hiding a reachable object – direct Roots XY Z b 23-Dec-1431

32 Hiding a reachable object – transitive Roots PQ c RS d 23-Dec-1432

33 Hiding a reachable object – transitive Roots PQ c RS d  T1:  Write(P, e, Read(R, d)) e 23-Dec-1433

34 Hiding a reachable object – transitive Roots PQ RS d  T2:  Write(Q, c, null) e 23-Dec-1434

35 Hiding a reachable object – transitive Roots PQ RS d  T3:  scan(Q) e 23-Dec-1435

36 Hiding a reachable object – transitive Roots PQ RS d e 23-Dec-1436

37 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem  Tricolor invariants 23-Dec-1437

38 Losing objects Wilson [1994] states that an object can be lost only if the following two conditions hold: 1. Mutator stores a pointer to a white object into a black object, and 2. All paths from grey objects to that white object are destroyed 23-Dec-1438

39 Not losing any objects  Must ensure that both conditions don’t hold simultaneously  Weak tricolor invariant:  All white objects pointed to by black objects are “grey protected”  (reachable from some grey object, directly or through a white chain)  This invalidates the second condition  Strong tricolor invariant:  There are no pointers from black objects to white objects  This invalidates both conditions 23-Dec-1439

40 Maintaining the invariants  Our examples:  Wrote a pointer to a white object in a black object (D1/T1)  Broke the strong invariant  Deleted all paths from grey objects to that white object (D2/T2)  Broke the weak invariant  Therefore, a black object pointed to a (presumed garbage) white object, violating correctness  Solutions will have to operate at one of these steps 23-Dec-1440

41 Tradeoffs in the solution space  Solution properties  Precision: amount of “floating garbage”  Efficiency: throughput  Atomicity: degree of concurrency  Example:  A stop-the-world collector obtains:  Maximal precision  No concurrency with the mutator  Finer grained atomicity increases concurrency, at the expense of possibly accuracy and/or overhead of atomic operations 23-Dec-1441

42 Mutator color  Consider the mutator itself an object  Grey mutator  Has not yet been scanned by the collector, or  Roots have been scanned but have to be rescanned  Black Mutator  Scanned by the collector; roots won’t be rescanned  Under strong invariant: roots don’t point to white objects  Under weak invariant: can hold white objects IF “grey protected” 23-Dec-1442

43 Nuances of mutator color  Mutator color has implications for collection termination  If a grey mutator is permitted, it may be necessary to halt all mutator threads for a final scan of the roots  Real on-the-fly collectors distinguish among multiple mutator threads  Because they do not stop all at once to sample roots  Therefore, must operate with mutators of different colors  Also, may separate the roots to different groups (black/grey)  For example, by stack frames 23-Dec-1443

44 Allocation color  Mutator color influences color of allocated memory  Must satisfy the invariant that applies given the mutator color  Grey mutator can allocate white objects  Black mutator can not allocate white objects  Unless it knows that the reference will be stored ahead of wavefront  Allocating black objects is always safe  If an object is allocated grey/black, it will not be reclaimed in the current allocation cycle  Even if reference dropped right away 23-Dec-1444

45 Short recap 23-Dec-1445  Tricolor invariant types  Weak invariant  Every white object pointed by a black object, is “grey protected”  Strong invariant  No pointers from black objects to white objects  Mutator color  Grey mutator  Some of the roots haven’t been scanned yet  Black mutator  All roots scanned

46 Incremental update solutions  Address T1/D1 mutations (adding a white pointer to a black object)  Conservatively treat a white object inserted behind the wavefront as alive  Increase (increment) the set of objects known to be live  Use write barrier to re-color source/destination to prevent black to white pointers  Can use a read barrier to load references to a black mutator  Thus, preserve the strong invariant 23-Dec-1446

47 Snapshot-at-the-beginning solutions  Address T2/D2 mutations (deletion of a white pointer from a white/grey object)  Conservatively treat any white object ahead of the wavefront as alive  Use a write barrier to protect against deletion  Must snapshot the mutator and operate only with black mutator  Maintain the weak invariant  No way to delete all paths from grey objects to any object that was alive at the beginning of the collection cycle 23-Dec-1447

48 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem  Tricolor invariants  Barrier techniques for concurrent GC  Complete enumeration of techniques 23-Dec-1448

49 Barrier techniques To maintain one of the two invariants, the following actions can be taken at barriers:  Add to the wavefront by shading a white object grey  Advance the wavefront by scanning an object (to black)  Retreat the wavefront by reverting a black object to grey Any other action would break the invariants 23-Dec-1449

50 Grey mutator incremental update (v1)  Steele [1975, 1976]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) if isWhite(ref) revert(src) 23-Dec-1450

51 Grey mutator incremental update (v1)  Steele [1975, 1976]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) if isWhite(ref) revert(src)  Maintains the strong invariant  No black to white pointers exist  Most precise barrier, at the cost of progress 23-Dec-1451

52 Grey mutator incremental update (v2)  Boehm et al [1991]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) revert(src) 23-Dec-1452

53 Grey mutator incremental update (v2)  Boehm et al [1991]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) revert(src)  Less precise  Uses virtual memory dirty bits to record modifications  Stop-the-world to rescan dirty pages 23-Dec-1453

54 Grey mutator incremental update (v3)  Dijkstra et al [1976, 1978]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) shade(ref) 23-Dec-1454

55 Grey mutator incremental update (v3)  Dijkstra et al [1976, 1978]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): src[i]  ref if isBlack(src) shade(ref)  Original version even removed the condition check  In order to relax (remove) atomicity  And the original-original version.. 23-Dec-1455

56 Dijkstra, Owicki and Gries 23-Dec-1456  Dijkstra initially suggested the following (reordered) barrier  Write(src, i, ref): shade(ref) src[i]  ref  Does it work?

57 23-Dec-1457

58 Black mutator incremental update (v1)  Baker [1978]  atomic Read(src, i): ref  src[i] if isGrey(src) ref  shade(ref) return ref 23-Dec-1458

59 Black mutator incremental update (v1)  Baker [1978]  atomic Read(src, i): ref  src[i] if isGrey(src) ref  shade(ref) return ref  Maintains the strong invariant (after snapshotting mutator)  No pointers from black to white  Supports a copying-collector 23-Dec-1459

60 Black mutator incremental update (v2)  Appel et al [1988]  atomic Read(src, i): if isGrey(src) scan(src) return src[i] 23-Dec-1460

61 Black mutator incremental update (v2)  Appel et al [1988]  atomic Read(src, i): if isGrey(src) scan(src) return src[i]  Less precise (more coarse-grained) than before  Uses virtual memory page protection mechanisms to trap  Trapped instruction continues after scanning 23-Dec-1461

62 Black mutator snapshot-at-the-beginning  Abraham and Patel [1987] and Yuasa [1990]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): if isGrey(src) || isWhite(src) shade(src[i]) src[i]  ref 23-Dec-1462

63 Black mutator snapshot-at-the-beginning  Abraham and Patel [1987] and Yuasa [1990]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): if isGrey(src) || isWhite(src) shade(src[i]) src[i]  ref  Maintains the weak invariant  White objects that were alive at the beginning are grey protected  Less precise of all  Initially wasn’t conditioned (used virtual memory COW) 23-Dec-1463

64 Black mutator hybrid barrier  Pirinen [1998]  atomic Read(src, i): if isWhite(src) shade(src[i]) return src[i]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): if isGrey(src) shade(src[i]) src[i]  ref 23-Dec-1464

65 Black mutator hybrid barrier  Pirinen [1998]  atomic Read(src, i): if isWhite(src): shade(src[i]) return src[i]  atomic Write(src, i, ref): if isGrey(src): shade(src[i]) src[i]  ref  Maintains the weak invariant  Actually every black to white pointer has a direct grey father 23-Dec-1465

66 Completeness of barrier techniques  Pirinen [1998] claims that this is the complete list, other than possible short-circuiting/coarsening:  Scanning instead of shading  Scan origin in a deletion barrier rather than shading deleted ..  The given barrier techniques cover the minimum requirements to maintain their invariants 23-Dec-1466

67 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem  Tricolor invariants  Barrier techniques for concurrent GC  Complete enumeration of techniques  Efficient implementation through card tables 23-Dec-1467

68 Concurrent write barrier mechanisms  Write barriers must detect and record all grey objects  To be inspected (and traced) by the collector  Mutators and collectors will access such data concurrently  Must work correctly and efficiently  One way is to add these grey objects to a log  Which we explored before (Chapter 13; queues etc)  Another solution is using card tables 23-Dec-1468

69 Card tables  A card table holds one byte for every 512bytes of memory  Marking only the dirty blocks  In our case, the card table is the work list of the collector  Mutators mark dirty blocks and collectors scan them for grey objects  They do it repeatedly; the collector’s job is to make all the cards clean in order to complete marking phase  Might require stop-the-world period to keep mutator from constantly updating 23-Dec-1469

70 Outline  General concurrent GC concepts  Incremental, mostly concurrent, “on-the-fly” collections  The lost object problem  Tricolor invariants  Barrier techniques for concurrent GC  Complete enumeration of techniques  Efficient implementation through card tables  Summary 23-Dec-1470

71 Summary  The solution space is huge  Strong/weak tricolor invariants  Grey/black mutators  Many different barrier flavors to consider  Will be useful in the following chapters  There is no free-lunch  Concurrent/incremental garbage collectors require synchronization and possibly do more work overall  But this is in order to reduce observable pause times  Which is important in many situations 23-Dec-1471

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