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Amazon River Dolphin By: Meghan. What Does it feed on?  The Amazon river Dolphin eats a variety of fish every day.

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Presentation on theme: "Amazon River Dolphin By: Meghan. What Does it feed on?  The Amazon river Dolphin eats a variety of fish every day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Amazon River Dolphin By: Meghan

2 What Does it feed on?  The Amazon river Dolphin eats a variety of fish every day.

3 The average size and weight  Length (metres): Adult females grow up to 2.3 metres (5ft - 7ft 6in). Males are larger and grow up to 2.7 metres (6ft 6in - 9ft). Newborns are usually only about 75cm (31in) long. Weight: Adults normally weigh somewhere between 85 and 160 kg (185 - 355 lb). Newborn calves weigh about 7 kg (15 lb).

4 Where can you find it? Or are they endangered?  They are Freshwater dolphins that live in the Amazon River.  Yes they are at risk because people are taking over the rainforest which effects there diet.

5 Fun Facts  Amazon River dolphins come in many colors Such as pink!!  Amazon River dolphins come in many colors Such as pink!!  Amazon Dolphins live in the rainforest.

6 Thanks For watching the slideshow!  From:  Meghan!

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