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Molly Kinnisten Thomas Pd. 3

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Presentation on theme: "Molly Kinnisten Thomas Pd. 3"— Presentation transcript:

1 Molly Kinnisten Thomas Pd. 3
Greek Mythology Molly Kinnisten Thomas Pd. 3

2 Ancient Greek Art, Architecture, and Writing

3 Map of Ancient Greece Troy Crete Athens Olympia

4 Major Greek Gods Zeus Poseidon Hades Athena

5 Trojan War Troy Greeks Trojans Greatest Conflict

6 Famous Heroes Hercules Achilles Theseus Odysseus

7 Famous Monsters Medusa Kraken Cyclops Cerberus

8 Works Cited "Ancient Greece - Art and Architecture, Sculpture, Pottery and Greek Temples." Ancient Greece - History, Mythology, Art, War, Culture, Society, and Architecture. Web. 18 Apr "Ancient Greek Music." Washington State University - Pullman, Washington. Web. 18 Apr "BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips - Ancient Greek Writing - History Video." BBC – Homepage. Web. 18 Apr

9 Works Cited "Theogony- The Creation of the Greek First Gods and Goddesses." Greek- Gods.Info- Greek Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece. Web. 19 Apr

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