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By: Dallin, Megan, Sterling, and Philip.. These are the maps of the Desert.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Dallin, Megan, Sterling, and Philip.. These are the maps of the Desert."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Dallin, Megan, Sterling, and Philip.

2 These are the maps of the Desert.

3 Armadillo Lizard (Above) Desert Tortoise (Right)

4 Gila Monster (Above) Cactus Wren (Bottom) Desert Bighorn Sheep (Right)

5 Saguaro Cactus(Above) Barrel Cactus(Right)

6  Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus(Right) Crimson Hedgehog (Above)

7 Ocotillo (Left) Soap tree Yucca (Right)

8  This is the food web of the desert.

9 This is some of the major landforms.

10  The Vermillion Cliffs are one of the places of interest in the desert.

11 This is our Climatagraph of the desert.

12  Aloe vera (above) Rocks (Right)

13 Uranium (above) Copper (bottom)

14 Succulent: full of juice; having fleshy tissues designed to conserve moisture (succulent plants).

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