Medical and Bioethics By Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen. Basic Ethical Principle Foundation of Jewish Medical Ethics  Leviticus 18:5 –“These are the mitzvot which.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical and Bioethics By Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen. Basic Ethical Principle Foundation of Jewish Medical Ethics  Leviticus 18:5 –“These are the mitzvot which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical and Bioethics By Rabbi Jeffrey Cohen

2 Basic Ethical Principle Foundation of Jewish Medical Ethics  Leviticus 18:5 –“These are the mitzvot which one shall do and live by them: I am the LORD. ”  “shall live” –And not die by them  See also Lev 19:16 –"Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor"

3 When does life begin  Question is when is life viable

4 Principles  Pikuah Nefesh- saving a soul  Defining death  Can one over-ride the other

5 Definition of Death  1960’s Reform & Conservatives accept Brain Stem definition of death  1990’s Orthodoxy begins to accept Brain Stem definition

6 Transplantation & Organ Donation  Current legal & ethical questions –How do we decide who gets priority?  Defined recipient  What happens with eyes? –Can organs be sold? –Can they be used without permission?  Rates of donation –Perception vs reality

7 Issues in Organ Donation  Underlying problem –Can only use organs thru brain stem death  Donations by deceased  Living Donors  Judaism looks for designated recipient

8 Organ Donation  Orthodox –Halakhic Organ Donors Society –OU statement  Conservative –Supports donation  Reform – Organ & Tissue Donation (includes card) –MATAN CHAIM: THE GIFT OF LIFE Organ & Tissue Donation (includes card)

9 Fertile Technology  Basic Principle –“Be fruitful and multiply” [First biblical commandment]  Artificial Insemination  IVF  Surrogate Motherhood

10 Euthanasia  Need to distinguish –Shortening life –Prolonging death  Active vs passive Euthanasia

11 Euthanasia II  Orthodox position  Conservative -2 positions  Reform

12 Bioethics  Cloning –Therapeutic –Reproductive

13 Stem Cell Research  Based on “these are the laws you shall live by”

14 Sexual Ethics

15 Abortion  Biblical basis- Exodus 21:22-23  Issues –Rodef- pursuer –Viability of fetus –When does life begin  Ultra-orthodox  Orthodox/Conservative  Reform

16 Birth Control  Expectation of having children –First commandment in Torah- be fruitful and multiply  Question of spilling seed –Genesis 38, 6-10  What is permitted and forbidden

17 IVF  Basically accepted  AIH  AID  Status of spare embryos

18 Homosexuality  Biblical basis –Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13; Deut. 23:17 –Are the laws equal for men and women  Various views today –Reform –Conservative –Orthodox

19 Ritual Uncleanliness  Taharat Ha-Mishpaha  Basis- Leviticus: 15:19-30, 18:19, 20:18 Leviticus  Not just says of low but 7 additional days  Nothing to do with physical uncleanliness  Mikva

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