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UDL Universal Design for Learning “Making the Most of Learner Variability”

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Presentation on theme: "UDL Universal Design for Learning “Making the Most of Learner Variability”"— Presentation transcript:

1 UDL Universal Design for Learning “Making the Most of Learner Variability”

2 Goals for the Day O Re-introduce the UDL Guidelines, Principles, and Checkpoints. O Illustrate how UDL can help all students. O Set up a schedule for UDL Implementation. O Differentiate between UDL and DI. O Create or revise a lesson that incorporates UDL standards. O Work together as a team.

3 Choose Quadrant Partners O You will need ONE partner for each square. O Exchange names in the boxes. O Get one partner at a time to make sure that you’re both available for the same quadrant. O Challenge yourself to move outside your “comfort zone” partners and your content team. You can work with them later.

4 The Goals of Education O Let’s agree on these so we can move forward: O Educators are here not just to teach content…but to teach students to be lifelong learners! O Teachers need to not only show students WHAT to learn, but also HOW to learn. O Students will learn to want to learn if they know how to learn in their own highly individual and flexible ways.

5 How can UDL Help? O Universal Design for Learning (UDL) helps teachers by providing simple guidelines for understanding how to create lessons that meets the needs of all learners. O The UDL principles can assist in reducing barriers, and optimizing levels of challenge and support for all learners.

6 What is UDL? O It’s a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn. O UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone. O Creates flexible, individualized classrooms O Not a one-size-fits-all solution

7 Shoe Example Q: What if manufacturers only made one size of shoe? 1. How do manufacturers deal with this issue? 2. How does this idea apply to education and UDL? 3. What can we, as teachers, do to affect change?

8 Why UDL? O Individuals bring a huge variety of skills, needs, and interests to the learning environment. O UDL helps meet the challenges of learner variability by recommending the use of flexible instructional materials, techniques, and strategies that empower teachers and students. O If you plan for learner variability from day one, you can avoid time-consuming, after-the-fact changes. O Let’s be proactive, instead of reactive!


10 Funny…and Proves the Need for UDL in our Classrooms!


12 Impact on Teacher Evaluations O UDL is already tied to our evaluations. O In the future, that connection will be more explicitly defined. O The CRHS school-based UDL team will meet with A and S team in January to iron our details. O 2014 – 2015 is a no-fault year! O What a great opportunity to experiment with UDL! O Take this time to explicitly tie what you already do to the Guidelines!

13 Here’s a Video! The following video presents a lot of the same information, but represents a different means of representation. Post-video Questions: Get with your Quad 1 Partner! 1. What did you learn from the video that wasn’t covered in other parts of the presentation? 2. How might students benefit from this type of instructional activity?

14 Sources CAST (2011). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0. Wakefield, MA: Author.

15 Review Guidelines O We know you’ve seen this before! O Really dig deep to internalize the Principles, Guidelines, and Checkpoints. O Be sure to label your chart in your own way. O No one lesson will include everything!

16 Implementation Process O Get with your Quad 2 Partner! O What do you make of the chart to the right? O How much time should it take to implement the EDL process?

17 Implementation Calendar O September 2014 O Integrate any one Checkpoint under “Accessing Info” O Guidelines 1, 4 and 7 O October 2014 O Integrate any one Checkpoint under “Interpret & Process” O Guidelines 2, 5, and 8 O November 2014 O Integrate any one Checkpoint under “Internalize” O Guidelines 3, 6, and 9 O December 2014 O Integrate one Checkpoint in any two Guidelines!

18 Take A Break!

19 Let’s Dance!

20 Dance Reflections O Get with your Quad 3 Partner! O Think about the following ideas: 1. What does it mean to be in a group vs. being on a team? 2. What does “taking a risk” look like? 3. A Change in Behavior  A Change in Attitude O Be ready to “share out” on one of these topics!

21 UD vs. UDL vs. DI Article O Get with your Quad 4 Partner! O Read the article, and discuss the similarities and differences between the three ideas. O What sets UDL apart from the other initiatives?

22 Apply the Guidelines O Work with your Content Team! O Review the UDL Guidelines O Brainstorm how we already use these in our lessons, or how we could be using them. O Be specific to reference the checkpoints. O Be ready to share part of your discussion. O We have a great head start over other schools!

23 Summary Posters O Work with your Table Group! O Create a representation of your learning from today’s session. O Use any/all the resources available!

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