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Human Body Systems 6 th Grade Glenside Middle School.

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1 Human Body Systems 6 th Grade Glenside Middle School

2 What is in our bodies? Our body is made up of different systems Systems are made up of organs Organs are made up of tissues Tissues are made up of cells

3 Look at it like this…. 5) A person = many systems working together 2) Tissue = Same type of cells working together 1) Cells – smallest living part of your body 4) System = Many different organs working together 3) Organ = many different types of tissues working together

4 Ok…so what is a system? Definition: a group of organs that work together on the same job

5 What are the different systems? Nervous System Skeletal System Muscular System Circulatory System Respiratory System Digestive System Urinary System Endocrine System Immune System

6 All of these body systems work together to keep us alive and healthy!

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