Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest Sponsored by: U.S. Agency for International.

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Presentation on theme: "Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest Sponsored by: U.S. Agency for International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Repositioning Family Planning in West Africa Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale en Afrique de l’Ouest Sponsored by: U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), World Health Organization (WHO), Action for West Africa Region Project - Reproductive Health (AWARE-RH), Advance Africa, the POLICY Project The Evolution of Family Planning in West Africa: 1964-2004 by Dr. Richard B. Turkson February 15, 2005 La Palm Hotel-Accra, Ghana

2 Introduction/Background From where have we COME Where are we NOW Significant landmarks in evolution of FP in West Africa What factors have influenced the various phases Where are we all HEADED!!

3 Whence come we?… Pre 1960s - Modern FP non-existent in West Africa region - Francophone W. Africa & the French Anti- Contraception Law of 1920 The period 1960-1970s - Changes began to emerge - Some Countries with official government policies - In others, perception of the problem of under- population The period 1980-1990s - Reverses in economic gains of the 1970s - High rates of population growth – Credibility of the FP moment enhanced - EXPECTANT SLOGANS ‘ FP for all! etc

4 The 1990s- period of RISING EXPECTATIONS Earlier in the 1984 Arusha Declaration, FP seen as integral part of socio-economic development and a contributor to QUALITY HEALTH Preparatory regional meetings produced the DAKAR-NGOR Declaration – Re-affirmation of Arusha Declaration The historic ICPD, Cairo 1994 - 20 year POA World-wide recognition of FP as a basic HUMAN RIGHT This right translates or should translate into the necessary social, economic and cultural conditions under which the individual’s legitimate aspirations and dignity may be realized

5 Ten years on - What is the SITUATION? Source: World Population Prospects, 2002 Percent of World Population Distribution

6 Ten years on - What is the SITUATION? Source: World Population Prospects, 2002 Total Fertility Rate (Ave. # of children per woman)

7 Ten years on - What is the SITUATION? TFR and CPR, West Africa Source: PRB, 2004 World Pop. Data Sheet

8 In Sum…..…. Evidence available indicates awareness has been created This has led to significant changes in official positions and attitudes to FP YET, major challenges remain since FP/RH is central to development and in meeting the MDGs

9 Some of the challenges…… Strengthen FP programmes-expand coverage in rural areas-improve access to basic health services as well Do community outreach Expansion implies improved logistics and commodity supply – resource mobilization Comprehensive review of laws, policies, administrative regulations and socio- cultural practices relating to SRH Build stronger partnerships and collaboration

10 To Conclude…… ICPD Programme of ACTION needs to be continuously explained, promoted and defended ADVOCACY- to keep the relevant issues on the front burner Continue to involve Males, expand scope and coverage of such programmes Continue and conclude research into method mix. eg male methods Resource mobilization still critical to our success – see quote from UN Secretary General

11 “The messages 10 years after the Conference are clear:current levels of resource mobilization are inadequate to fully implement the Cairo agenda; resource gaps are especially large in poor countries. The consequences of resource shortfalls include significant increases in unintended pregnancies, abortions, maternal morbidity and mortality, infant and child mortality, as well as AIDS-related morbidity and mortality… Without a firm commitment to population and reproductive health and gender issues and the concomitant allocation of resources, it is unlikely that any of the goals and targets of the conference or the Millennium summit will be effectively met”. Quote from Mr. Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General: Progress Report on Implementation of ICPD-POA

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