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₮How to define/use employee report writer ₮Selection differences ₮Download vs reporting ₮How to adjust when fields are getting truncated ₮Beware of any.

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Presentation on theme: "₮How to define/use employee report writer ₮Selection differences ₮Download vs reporting ₮How to adjust when fields are getting truncated ₮Beware of any."— Presentation transcript:

1 ₮How to define/use employee report writer ₮Selection differences ₮Download vs reporting ₮How to adjust when fields are getting truncated ₮Beware of any enterprise requiring new clothes. – Henry Thoreau

2 #Reports Defined Defined Prior to User Tracking Defined by Payroll Defined by HR Defined by Other Restricted by Owner Used in School Year Added but Never Used SD72 11535431931564 DELTA 1221449527531 SD23 17341834635818 FMPSD 647639121 4 BSD 881942234731 SDML 4721751422None RETSD 443137188427679485 SOSD 1374536563436 WSD 466200159733437112100 TMSD 23 312 PLPSD 113178None ISD 5203None HSD 4331102336None LSSD 4528215401

3 Super Careful: if you overselect and don’t adjust CPI and/or P/L items will cutoff ₮Field selection ₮Sort order ₮Page size, orientation ₮Page/line break.. Totals! ₮“Security” ₮Only available to Core ₮Name and describe to match the format not what you are running it for, ie: A basic demog sorted alpha can satisfy EA listing or custodial.. Items: How to find? Special: **, ASG, PRO.300

4 ₮List all New Hires for this year Active=Y NEWSTFF= 15 ₮*Can use in combination with position screen.. Any AT that is missing Acceptable Use Screen1 Category ECUSE missing=Y and Screen3 ₮“generic” can apply to HR or payroll ₮Based on info not tied to payroll assignment or F11 ₮**Can combine with screen2 or 3 ₮Allows build file option

5 ₮“Payroll” selection – based on pay assignment (F8) ₮If selecting pay assignment details use pay assignment selection ₮Only reports on info as of right now as of today ₮List any teacher on leave or active that don’t have LIFExx ₮Report on staff hire dates ₮Years of service CAREFUL: Most of your reporting is elsewhere!

6 ₮“HR” selection – based on F11 ₮If selecting F11 fields then MUST use HR selection ₮PSP/Certificate numbers ₮Email addresses for IT comparison ₮Roster like reporting like EIS.995 but more specific fields required

7 ₮Generic drill down to specifics ₮Only those without an email address ₮Names starting with A ₮Active employees with no email address.. Screen2 or Screen3 plus #????? ₮Only employees that live in a rural area (postal code *0****) ₮Employees with a specific pay grade

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