63rd IETF - NEMO WG1 NEMO Multihoming Issues NEMO Multihoming Issues draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-03.txt Chan-Wah Ng Paik Eun-Kyoung Thierry Ernst.

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Presentation on theme: "63rd IETF - NEMO WG1 NEMO Multihoming Issues NEMO Multihoming Issues draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-03.txt Chan-Wah Ng Paik Eun-Kyoung Thierry Ernst."— Presentation transcript:

1 63rd IETF - NEMO WG1 NEMO Multihoming Issues NEMO Multihoming Issues draft-ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues-03.txt Chan-Wah Ng Paik Eun-Kyoung Thierry Ernst Marcelo Bagnulo

2 63rd IETF - NEMO WG2 Change-Log (1/2) Enlisted Marcelo Bagnulo as co-author Restructuring of Section 4 –Path Survival  Fault Tolerance Path Failure Detection Path Exploration Path Selection Re-Homing –Removed Impact on Routing Infrastructure –Re-written various text throughout the section

3 63rd IETF - NEMO WG3 Change-Log (2/2) Added Sect 5: Matrix Breaking References into Normative and Informative Added IANA Consideration and Security Consideration

4 63rd IETF - NEMO WG4 Status Mailing List Issues –http://www.mobilenetworks.org/nemo/draft- ietf-nemo-multihoming-issues/ –22 issues 15 Accepted 1 No Longer Relevant 2 Rejected 4 Open

5 63rd IETF - NEMO WG5 Updates of ML Issues (1/7) Issue 5: Description of Benefits of Multihoming –Status: Postponed –Wait for synchronization of draft-ernst- goals-and-benefits

6 63rd IETF - NEMO WG6 Updates of ML Issues (2/7) Issue 19: Remove Section on Routing Infrastructure –Status: Accepted –Removed the entire sub-section: Impact on Routing Infrastructure from Section 4 Issue 11: Descriptions Routing Infrastructure –Status: Accepted Issue 17: Recovery by Routing Infrastructure –Status: No Longer Relevant

7 63rd IETF - NEMO WG7 Updates of ML Issues (3/7) Issue 15: Source Routing as Approach for Overcoming Ingress Filtering –Status: Accepted –Replace text in Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering

8 63rd IETF - NEMO WG8 Updates of ML Issues (4/7) Issue 18: Fault Tolerance in Source Address Selection –Status: Accepted –Added reference to other sections in Sect 4.8 Source Address Selection Sect 4.1.3 Path Selection Sect 4.1.4 Re-Homing

9 63rd IETF - NEMO WG9 Updates of ML Issues (5/7) Issue 20: Splitting Reference to Normative and Informative –Status: Accepted –Reference is split into Informative and Normative

10 63rd IETF - NEMO WG10 Updates of ML Issues (6/7) Issue 21: Applicability of Appendix B –Status: Accepted –Added clarifying statement in Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering and Appendix B to explicitly indicate that Appendix B is applicable to (*,n,n) configuration

11 63rd IETF - NEMO WG11 Updates of ML Issues (7/7) Issue 22: Analysis of Multi6/Shim6 Applicability –Status: Ongoing –Enlisted Marcelo as co-author –Re-structured Sect 4 with various references to the applicability of Shim6 –Added Sect 5 with a matrix to show relationships between each configuration, each multihoming issue, and other IETF WGs

12 63rd IETF - NEMO WG12 Open Issues Issues 12 & 13: Appendix B –Further development of mechanism is necessary –What to do with it? –Options: Leave it as it is, close the issue with no further action Remove it, and put it as a WG item Remove it, and be done with it

13 63rd IETF - NEMO WG13 Mailing List Discussions (1/2) Sect 4.10: Prefix Ownership –Text says “In (n, *, 1) …” –[Comment]: Will also happen in (n,*,n) –[Action]: Will modify the text Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering –Text says “HA may discard packets …” –[Comment]: HA will definitely discard packets –[Action]: change “may” to “will”

14 63rd IETF - NEMO WG14 Mailing List Discussions (2/2) Sect 4.2 Ingress Filtering –Text says “For (*,1,n) case, there is no such problem …” –[Comment]: For (n,1,n) case, there may be a problem of ingress filtering, if one considers merging of two (t1,1,1) networks

15 63rd IETF - NEMO WG15 Decide on the Multihoming Issues that are relevant to NEMO WG

16 63rd IETF - NEMO WG16 4.1 Fault Tolerance Home Internet NEMO HAHAMR MR 1. Fault Detection 2. Path Exploration 3. Path Selection 4. Re-Homing

17 63rd IETF - NEMO WG17 4.2 Ingress Filtering Home Internet NEMO HA2HA1MR2 MR1 Ingress Filtering at MR - MR1 filtering MNP2 - MR2 filtering MNP1 Ingress Filtering at HA - HA1 filtering MNP2 - HA2 filtering MNP1

18 63rd IETF - NEMO WG18 4.3 Media Detection UMTS MR1 WLAN Satellite How to detect media availability? How to detect media failure?

19 63rd IETF - NEMO WG19 4.4 HA Synchronization Internet Home NEMO HA2HA1 How to synchronize multiple HAs: - to properly delegate MNPs MNPs - to seamlessly enable failover failover

20 63rd IETF - NEMO WG20 4.5 MR Synchronization NEMO MR2MR1 How to synchronize multiple MRs: - to load balance - to co-ordinate prefix management management - to seamlessly enable failover failover

21 63rd IETF - NEMO WG21 4.6 Prefix Delegation Home Internet NEMO HA2HA1MR2 MR1 Delegating prefix to multiple MRs Delegating prefix from multiple HAs

22 63rd IETF - NEMO WG22 4.7 Multiple Registrations UMT S MR1 WLAN Satellite NEM O Interne t HA1 CoA1 CoA2 CoA3 How to bind all my CoAs to my single HoA?

23 63rd IETF - NEMO WG23 4.8 Source Address Selection NEMO MR2 MR1 MNN Advertise MNP1 Advertise MNP2 How can I choose my source address? From which prefix? What are the traffic characteristics for each prefix?

24 63rd IETF - NEMO WG24 4.9 Loop Prevention in Nested NEMO NEMO MR1 MR2 MR3 MR4 Internet attaches to Loop formed! - not unique to multihome, but more probable

25 63rd IETF - NEMO WG25 4.10 Prefix Ownership NEMO MR2 MR1 We own the prefix MNP NEM O MR2 MR1 Who own the prefix MNP ??? NEM O Who own the prefix MNP ???

26 63rd IETF - NEMO WG26 Matrix (1/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP 111111 11N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.1.1 Failure Detection NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NS 4.1.2 Path Exploration NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM NS 4.1.3 Path SelectionN SNSN N SNSN N SNSN N SNSN 4.1.4 Re-Homing NMNM S NMNM S NMNM S NMNM S NEMONEMO/MIPv6Shim6

27 63rd IETF - NEMO WG27 Matrix (2/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP 111111 11N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.2 Ingress FilteringtN 4.3 Media DetectionDDDDDDDD 4.4 HA Synchronization NMNM NMNM NMNM NMNM 4.5 MR SynchronizationGGGG NEMONEMO/MIPv6trivialDNAGeneral IPv6

28 63rd IETF - NEMO WG28 Matrix (3/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP 111111 11N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.6 Prefix DelegationNNNNNN 4.7 Multiple RegistrationsMMMMMMMM 4.8 Source Address Selections GGGG NEMOMIPv6General IPv6

29 63rd IETF - NEMO WG29 Matrix (4/4) # of MR # of HA # of MNP 111111 11N11N 1n11n1 1nn1nn n11n11 n1nn1n nn1nn1 nnnnnn 4.9 Loop Prevention in Nested NEMO NNNNNNNN 4.10 Prefix OwnershipNN NEMO

30 63rd IETF - NEMO WG30 Moving Forward Issues marked with –to be worked on by the WG? Issues marked with –worked on by: NEMO WG? MIP6 WG(s)? Future WG (e.g. monami6)? Others –informational for the specified WG(s)? N N/M GDS

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