Business Marketing Key Concepts. What Is Business Marketing? The marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than.

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1 Business Marketing Key Concepts

2 What Is Business Marketing? The marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for purposes other than personal consumption. Business Marketing

3 Business Products The key is intended use. Business Products:  Are used to manufacture other products  Become part of another product  Aid the normal operations of an organization  Are acquired for resale without change in form

4 Evolution of E-Business Initiatives Revenue generation Aggressive disintermediation initiatives Basic marketing communication strategies Reduce costs Build channel partnerships and trust Customer-focused technology and systems Brand building and development Integrate online and traditional media Past initiativesPresent initiatives Time

5 The Internet in Business Marketing THEN NOW Reduce costs Build partnerships and alliances Build and support branding Develop customer-focused technology and systems Integrate online and traditional media Revenue Generation Basic Marketing Communication Business Internet Uses and

6 Strategic Alliances A cooperative agreement between business firms (strategic partnership). Strategic Alliance

7 Business Market Customers Business Marketing Institutions Resellers Wholesalers Retailers Producers OEMs Governments Federal State Municipal County Unions Civic Clubs Other Churches Foundations Nonprofits

8 Producers OEMs. Individuals and organizations that buy business goods and incorporate them into the products that they produce for eventual sale to other producers or to consumers. Original Equipment Manufacturers

9 Business versus Consumer Markets CharacteristicCharacteristic Demand Volume # of Customers Location Distribution Nature of Buy Buy Influence Negotiations Reciprocity Leasing Promotion Business Market Organizational Larger Fewer Concentrated More Direct More Professional Multiple More Complex Yes Greater Personal Selling Consumer Market Individual Smaller Many Dispersed More Indirect More Personal Single Simpler No Lesser Advertising

10 Types of Business Products Major Equipment Accessory Equipment Raw Materials Component Parts Processed Materials Supplies Business Services

11 Types of Business Goods and Services Aluminum ore: raw material Extruded metal: processed material Propeller blade: component part Extruding machine: major equipment Tool cart: accessory equipment Uniforms: contracted service Paper: supply

12 Business Buying Behavior Customer Service Business Ethics Buying Situations Evaluative Criteria Buying Centers Aspects of Business Buying Behavior Aspects of Business Buying Behavior

13 Buying Centers Buying Center All those persons in an organization who become involved in the purchase decision.

14 Roles in the Buying Center Initiator Influencers Gatekeepers Decider Purchaser Users

15 Evaluative Criteria  Quality  Service  Price

16 Buying Situations New Buy A situation requiring the purchase of a product for the first time. A situation requiring the purchase of a product for the first time. Modified Rebuy Modified Rebuy A situation where the purchaser wants some change in the original good or service. A situation where the purchaser wants some change in the original good or service. Straight Rebuy Straight Rebuy A situation in which the purchaser reorders the same goods or services without looking for new information or investigating other suppliers. A situation in which the purchaser reorders the same goods or services without looking for new information or investigating other suppliers.

17 Customer Service  Divide customers into groups based on their value  Create policies that govern how service will be allocated among groups

18 Business Buying Behavior Customer service Initiator Influencer Decider Gatekeeper Purchaser User Buying Center  Quality  Service  Price Evaluative Criteria Buying Situations New buy Straight rebuy Modified rebuy

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