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“Ornithology” – Study of Birds 3. ART “Bird-Man of Lascaux” (17,000 yrs ago)

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Presentation on theme: "“Ornithology” – Study of Birds 3. ART “Bird-Man of Lascaux” (17,000 yrs ago)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Ornithology” – Study of Birds 3

2 ART “Bird-Man of Lascaux” (17,000 yrs ago)

3 ART Egypt 19 20 Cambodia 21 Australia

4 ART 22 Inca 23 Aztec

5 18 Pacific Northwest Inuit 24 Navajo 25 ART

6 2 1 Montezuma Quail ART Mimbres Pottery

7 ART “Flower and Bird Paintings ” China

8 ART Van Gogh “Wheat Field with Crows”

9 ART Georgia O’Keefe “Canyon with Crows”

10 Brancusi “Bird in Space”

11 ART Audubon

12 ART

13 Dr. Dale A. Zimmerman (WNMU Professor of Biology 1957-1988) ART

14 Federal Duck Stamp ART


16 RELIGION (Numerous Cultures) “Phoenix”

17 RELIGION 40 Species of Birds Mentioned in the Bible

18 RELIGION Noah Delaware Indians Flood Stories

19 RELIGION “Calumet”

20 FOLKLORE Wisdom Strength, Power

21 FOLKLORE Pride Peace Confusion Madness Travel


23 “The Crow and the Pitcher” LITERATURE

24 Shakespeare writes more about birds than any other poet. He includes the blackbird (ousel-cock), bunting, chough, cock, cormorant, crow, cuckoo, daw, dive-dapper, dove, duck, eagle, falcon, finch, fowl, goose, guinea hen, hedge sparrow, heron, jay, kestrel, kingfisher, kite, lapwing, lark, loon, magpie, mallard, martin (martlet) nightingale, osprey, ostrich, owl, paraquito, parrot, partridge, peacock, pelican, pheasant, phoenix, pigeon, popinjay, quail, raven, rook, sea gull, snipe, sparrow, starling, swallow, swan, thrush, turkey, vulture, woodcock, and wren. LITERATURE

25 European Starling LITERATURE

26 Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. `'Tis some visitor,' I muttered, `tapping at my chamber door - Only this, and nothing more.'



29 FILMS 31 43


31 DANCE Birds Often Seen as Intermediaries between Physical and Spiritual World

32 DANCE Historically, Luck in Hunting Iroquois Indian Dance Sioux Headdress

33 Tarahumara Indians Rain Dance DANCE

34 Welcome Spring

35 DANCE 31 “Swan Lake”

36 DANCE ? Gangnam Style (South Korea, 2012)

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