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Pragmatic Mash-Ups Andrew Filev Microsoft Certified Architect Murano Software Building POC of Web 2.0 application in one day with AJAX, Virtual Earth and.

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Presentation on theme: "Pragmatic Mash-Ups Andrew Filev Microsoft Certified Architect Murano Software Building POC of Web 2.0 application in one day with AJAX, Virtual Earth and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pragmatic Mash-Ups Andrew Filev Microsoft Certified Architect Murano Software Building POC of Web 2.0 application in one day with AJAX, Virtual Earth and Linq

2 Idea, scope Implementation –Collecting data Getting web page Getting data with regular expressions Using REST based XML pages –Selecting data: Linq, DLinq, XLinq –Displaying data Displaying Virtual Earth map Adding pushpins Filtering pushpins Future directions

3 Idea To help people find their house by: Mashing-up real estate sales ads with house valuation service and displaying ones which are priced below valuation on the map

4 Example listing


6 Scope This presentation is not covering important aspects of the whole application: –Valuation might be incorrect –How to get permission for data and valuation It is focused on technologies It’s about POC in a a day, not about release in a …

7 Implementation at the high level Take listings Add valuation information Provide web-site to access this information

8 Getting web page WebClient client = new WebClient(); string pageContent = client.DownloadString(url)

9 Getting data: HTML+Regex yahoo map Regular Expression yahooStreetAddressParameter.Value = yahoo_address

10 Getting data: REST+XML XDocument doc = new XDocument(); doc.Load(String.Format(“ bservice/GetSearchResults.htm?address= {0}&citystatezip={1}”, yahooStreetAddress, yahooCityStateZip)); var result = doc.Descendants(“address”).First().Element(“street”); streetParameter.Value = (string)result;

11 .NET Language Integrated Query Integration into programming language and IDE Select, from, where, into, orderby … XML (XLinq) and SQL (DLinq) support

12 DLinq: Basics New item->DLinqObjects Drag table from Server Explorer Write queries in C# _context = new DataContext(connString) var results = from listing in _context.Listings where listing.Longitude <=… select listing; foreach (var item in results){ …item.Latitude… }

13 DLinq: Attributes [System.Data.DLinq.Table(Name="Listings")] public partial class Listing : System.Data.DLinq.INotifyPropertyChanging, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged … [System.Data.DLinq.Column(Name="YahooStreetAddress", Storage="_YahooStreetAddress", DBType="varchar NOT NULL")] public virtual string YahooStreetAddress { get {return this._YahooStreetAddress;} set { if ((this._YahooStreetAddress != value)) { this.OnPropertyChanging("YahooStreetAddress"); this._YahooStreetAddress = value; this.OnPropertyChanged("YahooStreetAddress"); }

14 Tip: how to pass connection string public partial class masterDataContext : System.Data.DLinq.DataContext { public masterDataContext(string connString) : base(connString) { }

15 DLinq+XLinq XDocument xmlDoc=new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8",null), new XElement("root", from listing in _context.Listings where listing.Longitude … select new XElement("item", new XAttribute("id",listing.ID), new XAttribute("lat",listing.Latitude), new XAttribute("long",listing.Longitude), new XAttribute("price",listing.Price), new XAttribute("est",listing.Zestimate), new XAttribute("details",listing.Street))));

16 Displaying map var map=null; function DrawMap(){ map = new VEMap('myMap'); map.LoadMap(new VELatLong(34, -118.5), 10,'r', false); GetPushpins(); } …


18 AJAX request var xhr = null; function CreateXHR(){ var xhr; try{xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} catch(e){try{xhr=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} catch(ex){xhr = false;}} if (!xhr && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();} return xhr; } function GetPushpins() { map.DeleteAllPushpins(); xhr = CreateXHR(); xhr.onreadystatechange = ProcessPushpins;"GET", "getInfo.aspx?action=getLocations"); xhr.send(); }


20 Tip: move pushpins with visible area function DrawMap(){…map.AttachEvent("onchangeview", GetPushpins);} function GetPushpins(){ … mapDiv = document.getElementById('myMap'); leftTopLatLong = map.PixelToLatLong(0, 0); rightBottomLatLong = map.PixelToLatLong(mapDiv.offsetWidth, mapDiv.offsetHeight); "GET", "getInfo.aspx?action=getVisibleLocations&left=" + leftTopLatLong.Longitude + "&top=" + leftTopLatLong.Latitude + "&right=" + rightBottomLatLong.Longitude + "&bottom=" + rightBottomLatLong.Latitude); … } public string GetItems(RectangleF LatLongBounds) { … from listing in _context.Listings where listing.Longitude = LatLongBounds.Bottom

21 What might be next Atlas RSS consumption Intelligent data reload Adding/changing sources of data

22 Useful links

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