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Strength Training 1 & 2 Final Review

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1 Strength Training 1 & 2 Final Review

2 What is Strength? Muscular Strength: ability of a muscle or group of muscles to generate force Absolute strength: maximal amount of force that can be generated during 1 maximal effort. Dynamic strength: ability of a muscle to contract repeatedly over a period of time. Muscular Endurance: ability to contract muscles many times without tiring or to hold one contraction for a long time

3 Elements of Muscular Fitness
Strength: ability to exert force Endurance: ability to continue work over an extended period of time (Cardiovascular endurance is most important, why?) Flexibility: ability to move easily through complete normal ranges of motion around a joint

4 What is Muscle? 3 types of muscle:
Made up of 75% water and 25% protein. 3 types of muscle: 1.) Smooth: walls of internal organs, stomach and blood vessels 2.) Cardiac: heart 3.) Skeletal: attach to bones making movement possible

5 Roles Muscles Play Agonist: Prime mover, muscle primarily responsible to produce movement. Antagonist: Muscle in opposition to the agonist. Stabilizers: Hold the joint steady while other muscles produce movement. Aid in the contraction. Neutralizers: Muscles that contract to prevent unwanted action. Bench Press Agonist: Pecs, Triceps Antagonist: Lats Stabilizers: Anterior Deltoids Neutralizers: Forearms

6 Types of Muscle Contractions
Isometric (static) Isotonic (dynamic) - No movement occurs at the joint although force is generated

7 General Training Principles
The Principle of Overload: the body will function better if increased demands are placed upon it F= Frequency I= Intensity T= Time

8 General Training Principles
The principle of progression: Allows you to increase your workload when your body adapts to the current load. The principle of specificity: Occurs when specific exercises are done that closely resemble the specific activities performed.

9 General Training Terms
Repetitions (reps) – the number of consecutive times you do an exercise Set – one group of repetitions Hypertrophy – increase in muscle size Atrophy – decrease in muscle size Resistance – a force that acts against your muscles 1 rep max (1RM) – amount of weight lifted one time Plyometrics- develops power with explosive movements

10 10 Principles of Resistance Exercise
1.) Warm-up: Light running, light lifting, dynamic stretching to help improve blood flow and flexibility, & to reduce chance of injury. 2.) Exercise Range of Motion: To strengthen entire muscle, complete exercise through fullest possible range of motion that the joint allows. Muscle is conditioned through its entire length. 3.) Exercise Speed: It should take approx. 1 sec. to complete every 90 degrees of joint motion. 4.) Breathing: Exhale during concentric phase (POSITIVE PHASE) of exercise. Inhale during eccentric phase (NEGATIVE PHASE). Ex. Bench Press: Exhale to push, Inhale to bring bar back down. Why we breathe

11 10 Principles of Resistance Exercise
5.) Recommended # of Repetitions: Strength: more weight less reps (3-5 reps per exercise – 80%-90% of MAX) Endurance: Less weight more reps (13-25 reps per exercise – 50%-60% of MAX) Combination: benefits in strength and endurance (6-12 reps per exercise – 65%-75% of MAX) Pyramid System: decrease reps while increase weight 6.) Rest Between Sets: 60 to 90 seconds of rest, may vary w/ the individual and/or exercise intensity. 7.) Rest Between Repetitions: When applicable, a 1-2 second pause is recommended between each repetition.

12 10 Principles of Resistance Exercise
8.) Recommended # of Sets: dependent upon the fitness level and intensity. Generally, 1-3 sets of exercise are recommended per body part. 9.) Increasing Workload: The rule of thumb is to increase the weight load by 2-5% when progression is to take place. This normally occurs when the final repetitions of the last performed set are completed easily. 10.) Exercise Intensity: The goal is to achieve momentary muscle failure on each set. Momentary muscle failure refers to total fatigue or failure on the final predetermined repetition of each set.

13 Nutrition Carbohydrates (60% total kcal) are the body’s primary source of energy. Carbs Fat (stored energy) Protein Protein: repair and build muscle and all body systems When weight training, a general rule, 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.

14 Anterior Deltoids Pectoralis Major Biceps Brachii Rectus Abdominus External Obliques Adductors Rectus Femoris

15 Trapezius Posterior Deltoid Rhomboids Latissimus Dorsi Triceps Brachii Gluteus Maximus Biceps Femoris Gastrocnemius

16 Final Exam 50 Questions: MC/Matching Weight Room and Spotter Rules
Muscles and Their Lifts Resistance Training PPT and T-Notes Final Review PPT

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