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Careers in Human Development Family Resources Ms. Perez.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers in Human Development Family Resources Ms. Perez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers in Human Development Family Resources Ms. Perez

2 Bell ringer What do the following careers have in common? adult daycare director home healthcare aide pre-school teacher social worker Nutritionist Child Life specialist Educational Administration

3 They are all in the field of Human Development Family Resources!


5 Career Quiz Take time to complete this career quiz After we will discuss the results

6 What are some characteristics that are good in a HDFR professional? Write down five adjectives When done come type them on my computer

7 What are some characteristics that are bad in a HDFR professional? Write down five adjectives When done come type them on my computer

8 Fun Song Friday! Hello song

9 Five Green and Speckled Frogs Five green and speckled frogs sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs -- YUM YUM! One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool Then there were four green and speckled frogs. Etc.

10 Beg, Borrow, and Steal! http://www.dltk-


12 Bell Ringer 1. Write down 5 career’s that tie into this class? -Note your class syllabus to see topic’s covered. 2. How could information learned in this class help you with this career?

13 Fire Fighter Education: High School diploma In some cases an associates degree Apprenticeships

14 Fire Fighter skills and personality suited Physically fit Adventurous Compassionate

15 Fire Fighter Work Duties Respond to fires Maintain equipment Conduct drills

16 Salary Median is $44,260 The lowest 10% earned under $22,440 The highest 10% earned $108,930

17 Work prospects Competition –Challenging –Pension is guaranteed after 25 years of service

18 Citation "Fire Fighters." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Web. 14 Aug. 2011..

19 Group Jobs Captain - This person is in charge of seeing to it that the group is organized, gets started on projects quickly and everyone knows what to do. Monitor - This person keeps track of time to keep the group working smoothly. This person also sees to it that the group has everything it needs. The monitor is the only person who can pull the captain aside and remind her/him that she/he is not doing her/his job if the captain is off task.

20 Group Jobs Recorder - This person sees to it that the group has all the information it needs. This person sees to it that notes are taken or that information is copied from a website and saved. This person has the added responsibility to make sure that the team's work is original and not plagiarized. Reporter (2) - This person is in charge of reporting the group's accomplishments. When the group presents a final product, the reporter is in charge of seeing that it gets done on time and well.

21 Why credible websites? How to use wikipedia responsibly

22 Citations MLA or APA "Firefighter - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary." Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam- Webster Online. Web. 14 Aug. 2011..

23 Make your presentation creative! Examples: Skit, video clip, song, cartoon sketch, role play The possibilities are endless!

24 Bell ringer Please read and respond to this quote in a free-write: "Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." -- Richard Bach Things to think about: How will this quote affect our school year as students? Teacher? Peers?

25 Ticket out the door Write a one sentence summary about what you learned about the career that you are researching.

26 Bell ringer Write down what you Know about career A,B,C,&D Want to know/expect to learn about career A,B,C,&D

27 Venn Diagrams Pick your two favorite careers as a group and compare and contrast them.

28 What did you LEARN about careers A,B,C, &D

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