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1 Status of Software Tools Akiya Miyamoto KEK 5-March-2005 ILC Detector Workshop Based on acfa-sim-j activity.

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1 1 Status of Software Tools Akiya Miyamoto KEK 5-March-2005 ILC Detector Workshop Based on acfa-sim-j activity

2 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 2 Contents Status of Simulation and Analysis tools A brief review of tools in Europe and N.A. Summary

3 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 3 Objectives of Softwares Physics studies  Event generators  Fast detector monte carlo Detector studies  Geant3  Geant4  Reconstruction: clustering, track fitter, vertexing, … Beam test studies  Data storage and analysis  Simulation Communication / Information

4 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 4 Goals of in FY05 By LCWS2004, we had  JSF framework and Quick Simulator for physics studies  Jupiter with basically CDC, IT, VTX, and IR.  basic structures of Satellites/Uranus Goals of studies in FY05 are detector optimization based on Full detector simulation.  Implement “GLD” geometry in Jupiter  Study PFA performances by an ultimate condition  Implement “tower” calorimeter  Develop analysis tools  Study physics performance vs detector choice.

5 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 5 Organization of tools All packages are kept in the CVS repository at Package organization  lcbase  leda : Analysis tools (Kalman fitter, Anlib)  jsf : Framework, StdHep, LCIO  lclib : “GLD” parameter for QuickSim  physsim : Helas-based generator – phythia6 compat  Jupiter : Full simulation based on Geant4  Uranus : Data analysis packages  Satellites : Data analysis packages for MC data Recently, we reorganized packages to reduce dependances among packages.

6 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 6 Jupiter/Satellites Concepts JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data

7 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 7 Progress of Jupiter since 8 th ACFA Initialization of Calorimeter geometry: ~3min for 4cmx4cm tile  ~20 sec. even for 1cmx1cm tile. ~consume about 500MB memory. Problem of HD Cal response for shorter range cut.  Caused by an artificial cut on number of steps and fixed Energy deposit in EM Cal depends on the range cut.  Larger effect for thinner scintilator MUD Refined geometry and implemented sensitive detector Update of IO interface  Write/read >2 Gbyte files OK  StdHep interface is provided through JSF  LCIO output class is prepared, needs test  MCParticle and exact hits of VTX, IT, TPC, CAL, MUD are written. Y.Yamaguchi S.Yamamoto K.Fujii, S.Yamamoto Jeri, T.Takeshita H.Ono A.Miyamoto

8 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 8 Geometry in Jupiter Solenoid Hadron Calorimeter Muon/Iron Elemag. CalorimeterIT VTX Forward Cal. QC1 TPC

9 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 9 Standard Geometry of Jupiter Solenoid TPC Hadron Calorimeter Muon/Iron IT VTX Forward Cal. QC1 Elemag. Calorimeter As of Nov. 4 By H.Ono(Niigata) GLD

10 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 10 Status of Metis Current aim is to prepare a minimum set of Metis modules for studies of Particle Flow Algorithm. Novice users will be able to do physics analysis using information of PFO classes. As a first step, a cheated track finder and a cluster maker, etc are in preparation in order to know ultimate performance. Each module is independent, thus shall be easy to implement different reconstruction algorithm according to interests

11 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 11 make smeared TPC hits from exact hit make tracks from TPC make hybrid tracks ( TPC+IT+VTX) make smeared/merged CAL hits from exact hit make cluster from CAL hits make Particle Flow Objects jet clustering Jupiter result Physics study Metis Analysis Flow

12 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 12 Cheated PFO analysis ZH event at Ecm=500 GeV By K.Fujii(KEK), S.Yamamoto(GUAS), A.Yamaguchi(Tsukuba) - Exact hit points of TPC and CAL are displayed. -Hits belong to the same PFO are shown with the same color -A framework of event display in JSF is used.

13 X3D ROOT’s X3d view of the same event

14 X3D-Jet Same event, after a forced 4-jet clustering on PFObjects

15 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 15 Satellites  Hit maker for IT, VTX included  Hybrid Track fitter for TPC/IT/VTX are prepared  Fixed many memory leaks and segmentation violations. Now jet energy studies using higher statistics sample is possible. Progress of Satellites since 8 th ACFA WS A.Yamaguchi, T.Fujikawa K.Fujii, Nagamine

16 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 16 Jet mass resolution By S.Yamamoto at G4 workshop  M/M~36%/Sqrt(M)

17 Results by T.Takeshita Pythia+Smearing  (Mw) is about same as Jupiter result Jupiter result has long tail. Why ? Insufficient coverage ? Bad performance in the forward region ? Other factors, such as V0, Kink ? Event selection ? The goal, 30%/Sqrt(E), is not satisfied. Better segmentation for EM/HD ? Better energy resolution of EM/HD ? 50%/Sqrt(E) is not as good as JLC/GLC detector. How about other processes/ECM

18 Brief review of simulation tools in other regions Brief review of simulation tools in other regions

19 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 19 Software tools in EU Generator geometry Analysis Recon- struction Simulation Java, C++, Fortran Geant3, Geant4 Java, C++, Fortran LCIO Persistency Framework Brahms (geant3) SIMDET JAS3 & Wired4 Mokka (Geant4) Marlin (started)

20 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 20 Mokka Overview geant4 based full detector simulation for the ILCD developed at LLR-Ecole Polytechnique (P. Mora de Freitas, G. Musat) w/mokka/mokka.html w/mokka/mokka.html some features:  steering files for configuration  all geant4 physics lists available  writes LCIO  reads StdHep / ASCII HepEvt Geometry  MySQL databases  geometry parameters  one database per subdetector  C++ Geometry Drivers  one for each subdetector type (e.g. TPC, HCAL)  define material and sensitive detector  abstract geometry layer: CGA  Data base can define ILCD geometry as well as test beam setups.

21 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 21 LCIO LCIO SW-Architecture *.slcio files (SIO) common API LCIO C++ implementation LCIO Java implementation Java APIC++ APIf77 API JAS/AIDAroothbook compressed records, pointer retrieval generated from one source using AID

22 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 22 LCIO Data Model

23 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 23 Software tools in US Evolution of simulation software Gismo Hep.lcd Reconstruction SLIC org.lcsim LCDRoot LCDG4 LCS

24 Simulation Architecture Proposal LCDDSLIC LCIOGDML LCIO Events Geant4 Stdhep Events LCDD XML LCCDD XML Geometry Convertor org.lcsim Reco ILC Simulation Architecture Proposal reads creates reads uses reads reads+ writes creates uses data application uses action J.I. McCormick, SLAC GDML – Geometry Description Markup Language LCIO – Linear Collider I/O LCIO Events – LCIO event collection LCDD – Linear Collider Detector Description SLIC – Simulator for the LInear Collider LCDD XML – XML file conforming to lcdd.xsd schema Geometry Convertor – converts compact description to LCDD LCCDD – Linear Collider Compact Detector Description Stdhep Events – binary encoded HEPEVT Geant4 – Simulator framework Java Reco – Java-based reconstruction framework

25 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 25 Simulation tools summary N.A.EUAsia Generator formatStdHep/HepEvt StdHep/HepEvt/C AIN, …. Geometry DescriptionG4 GDML+  MySQL+XMLHard coded  XML Fast Sim SimDetQuickSim Base SystemJAS3+AIDJAS3+AID+RootRoot FrameworkLCDROOT/JAS?  MARLINJSF IOLCIO ROOT+LCIO Full SimulationLCDG4  SLICMokkaJupiter Beam test SimLCDG4  SLICMokkaindependent ReconstructionOrg.lcsim(Java)Brahms  MarlinUranus/Satellites LanguageJAVA/C++JAVA/C++/FORTRANC++

26 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 26 Reconstruction tools Vertexing  ZVTOP  V0 finder, Kink Finder Track finder/fitter  Khalman fitter Particle Flow Analysis  Track based or Calorimeter based or ….  / e /  /  / jet finder Infrastructure  Geometry data base  Visualization International cooperation is important to reduce un-necessary overlaps of efforts. - LCIO is the first step - The second step, what and how ?

27 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 27 Summary : Next step Uranus/Satellites for perfect PFA is ready. Let’s study,  Jet mass/energy resolution vs detector configuration, such as  CAL cell size and material  Develop real reconstruction tools, for  PFO analysis  Track finder for TPC  Track finder/fitter for TPC  Packages for particle ID, such as , e, , , jet  Vertex finder/fitter Improvement of Jupiter  Put more realistic models of detector, especially massive parts of inner components. By when ? At what precission ? Can we use XML tools ?  Urgent task: Realistic models of CAL, Forward Tracker, and IR.  Magnetic field for Return Yoke, QC,..

28 A.Miyamoto, ILC Detector Workshop (3-5, March, 2005) 28 Next step - 2 Infrastructure  Physics and background generator samples  What processes ? Who will prepare ? How to exchange ?  Creation of simulation data  100K ZH events at 300GeV, –CPU time ~100 days (1 Xenon 3G) –Data size : lcio ~60GB (sim. exact hits only) jsfj4 ~300GB (includes additional info.)  How to produce ? Who will produce ? How to exchange ?  Do we need GRID ???  “Database” for detector geometry  Jupiter  Sattelites  Analysis ; should avoid hand-written data  A common among detector concepts would be preferable –MySQL : DESY and KEK, SLAC: Oracle –Geometry model/interface is not clear –How to realize open access world wide ?

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