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 I am going to calculate what the imaginary student, Suzie Que, must do to make the grade she seeks in this course.  To see what you must do, just follow.

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Presentation on theme: " I am going to calculate what the imaginary student, Suzie Que, must do to make the grade she seeks in this course.  To see what you must do, just follow."— Presentation transcript:

1  I am going to calculate what the imaginary student, Suzie Que, must do to make the grade she seeks in this course.  To see what you must do, just follow the calculation, but use your grades in place of Suzie Que’s. How to Calculate Your Grade

2  First I am going to determine how many bonus points Suzie will get.  Remember there are more than enough pop quizzes to get a maximum of 40 bonus points.  I am going to assume that Suzie’s pop quizzes gets her 35 points.

3  Next I need to estimate what Suzie’s lab experiment average will be at the end of the semester.  I estimate that to be 97.  So far she has 97+35=132 points.

4  Now I must add in her two lecture exams so far.  For example, let’s assume Suzie got 31 correct on the first test and 36 correct on the second. (Each test had 50 questions.)  Let’s see how many points that gets her.   Her total is now 93+108+132=333.

5  Let’s assume that she wants to make a “B.” That requires 640 (actually 630) total points.  630-333=297  297 points on the remaining exams is required to make a “B.”

6  There is still 400 points available on the remaining exams (this includes the lab final).   In this example Suzie can make a middle “C” (74.3%) average on the next two exams and lab final and get a “B” in the course.

7  Please note that in this example Suzie’s best test score on the first two lecture exams was 36.  This gives her a % grade of   Thus you can see that Suzie still has a chance for a “B” in the course even though she made a low “D” and a low “C,” respectively, on the first two lecture exams.

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