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牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块十一 · 高三下学期 ). 板块:教学设计 —— 课件 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit Getting a job.

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Presentation on theme: "牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块十一 · 高三下学期 ). 板块:教学设计 —— 课件 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit Getting a job."— Presentation transcript:

1 牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 ( 模块十一 · 高三下学期 )

2 板块:教学设计 —— 课件 Unit 2 Welcome to the unit Getting a job

3 Unit 2 课件描述: 本课件第 4 到 6 张帮助学生讨论用 什么方式寻找工作机会并且比较不同 方式的优缺点。第 7 到 12 张,从书面材 料和经验、知识的积累两方面讨论为 寻找工作需做那些准备。第 13 和 14 张 围绕严峻就业形势展开,讨论如何面 对找不到工作的尴尬处境。

4 How to get a job? 1.Where to look for a job?

5 You can find job vacancies advertised in newspapers. You can find information and help with job hunting in the local job centre. Some people say the best way to find a job is through NETWORKING. What do you think? Any other ways to find job opportunities?

6 The advantage of networking The advantage of networking is that family or friends will be able to provide an inside knowledge of the job, the pay, daily routine and an honest opinion of what it is like to work there. They will tell you things that employers may withhold from a job interview, because they want to create the best possible impression, rather than highlight any of the flaws that the company has. An added benefit of networking is that friends and family members can inform you of a job opening soon after it becomes available and then put in a good word for you to their employer. Employers are often favorably disposed to potential employees even before they have arrived for a job interview because their friend or relative took the time to recommend them.

7 How to get a job? 2. What to prepare for getting a job?

8 You can write a good covering letter to increase your chance of getting an interview.

9 A well-written resume is essential for getting a job The resume and covering letter is the first impression. By sending out unique and professional covering letters as well as resumes, you are giving the employer a positive impression of yourself.

10 In most cases, you will need a resume for applying for a full-time, professional job opportunities. If you are seeking a part-time job or work in a career field like hospitality or retail, you will complete an application for employment.

11 How to get a job? 3. Apart from the written materials, what else should you prepare?

12 Doing some charity jobs in your gap year may help find a job in the future. Doing some part-time jobs may make you more competitive in the job market. As a college student, it is equally important to equip yourself with a wide range of knowledge for getting a job in the future.

13 The job hunting pressure in china is reaching its climax. 4. If you could not find the job you want, what would you do?

14 1. You have an unrealistic idea about the market for your skills. 2. You ignore small businesses. 3. You don't prepare well for interviews. 4. You're not selling yourself. 5. You have the attitude, “What can you do for me?” Five reasons you can’t find a job.

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