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Swing part-two Eriq Muhammad Adams J

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1 Swing part-two Eriq Muhammad Adams J

2 * Beans Binding * Look and Feel * Create Installer & Executable * Useful Components

3 * Specification is in JSR 295. * Is used to synchronized properties between two objects. * Beans binding now fully support matisse GUI Builder (make easier for developer for binding data). * There are binding source and target. * Update strategies: Read/Write, Read-Only, Read-Once * If you want to synchronize properties of two objects but they have different types you have to create Converter. * Use Validator to filter binding’s value from target.

4 * General Data flow

5 * Extends org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter to create new Converter. S is source type, and T is target type. * Override convertForward(S value):T to converts a value from the source type to the target type. * Override convertReverse(T value):S to converts a value from the target type to the source type. * Please learn my tutorial at :, source code available at :

6 * To create a new Validator you have to extends org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Validator. T is target type. * Override validate(T value):Validator.Result to define validation procedure.

7 * Example :  When several items in Jlist is selected, the JComboBox will automatically populated.  If JTextField ‘s value will be changed according to selected item in JComboBox Demo available at

8 * Programmatically : use UIManager class. * Non-Programmatically : use --cp:p look_and_feel_jar_path –laf look_and_feel_class_name * Sample code available at

9 * Launch4J, Jsmooth, etc is tool to create executable for java apps in windows. * InnoSetup, NSIS, etc is used to create windows installer. * Tools above are free for non-commercial or commercial use. * Launch4j : http://launch4j.sourceforge.net * Jsmooth : http:// jsmooth.sourceforge.nethttp:// * InnoSetup : * NSIS : http:// nsis.sourceforge.nethttp://

10 * JDIC (JDesktop Integration Component) Project : * SwingX (Extended Swing Component) : * SwingLabs : http://swinglabs.org

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