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Color Symbolism.

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1 Color Symbolism

2 What would happen if we changed the colors in famous titles?
Snow White & the Seven Dwarves  Snow yellow & the Seven Dwarves The Red Badge of Courage  The Black Badge of Courage The Black Cat  The Orange Cat

3 Gold Today: Money (Gold coins)
Bible: Jesus receives gold as a mark of his kingship. Greek Mythology: The Midas Touch

4 Yellow

5 Green “Oh beware, My Lord of jealousy…it is the green-eyed monster…” (Shakespeare’s Othello)

6 White Today: Wedding dresses
Bible: “Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they may be red like crimson, they may become white as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

7 Rose/Red Red Badge of Courage “Seeing red” The Sixth Sense
“Red is the color of shame. Crimson cheeks and spilled blood. Broken hearts, opened veins. A burning desire to return to white.” (Mary Hogan, Pretty Face) “Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red.” (Shakespeare’s Macbeth)

8 Black The Black Plague Ashes Black cats
“It was odd to notice that by common consent we had all put on black clothes. Of course, Arthur wore black, for he was in deep mourning, but the rest of us wore it by instinct.” (Bram Stoker, Dracula)

9 Blue “What Did I Do to Be So Black and Blue?” (Louis Armstrong)
The Matrix: Blue Pill= “Illusion of Innocence” The Giver: “a bearded man with pale eyes”

10 Gray Dust Smoke “Gray trunks of solemn trees” (Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter) “The warmth and richness of her womanhood, departed like fading sunshine, and a gray shadow seemed to fall across her.” (Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter)

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