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T YPE OF R EADER Thinking about yourself as a reader!

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Presentation on theme: "T YPE OF R EADER Thinking about yourself as a reader!"— Presentation transcript:

1 T YPE OF R EADER Thinking about yourself as a reader!

2 S PEED How quickly do you read?

3 H OW DO YOU KNOW -- DISCUSS ? --slower: I’m usually the last one to finish reading an assignment/ Chapter books take a long time to finish (sometimes I don’t finish). --average: I finish reading around the same time as everyone else/ chapter books take me a couple of weeks to finish. --faster: I’m usually one of the first one’s done with a reading assignment/I can finish a chapter book in a week or less.

4 D ID YOU KNOW ?: Effective readers adjust the rate at which they read.

5 D ID YOU KNOW ?: Effective readers adjust the rate at which they read. If a book is too easy, they speed up so they can stay focused.

6 D ID YOU KNOW ?: Effective readers adjust the rate at which they read. If a book is too easy, they speed up so they can stay focused. If a book is too hard, they slow down so they don’t miss details/meaning.

7 S ET A GOAL When I’m reading I will…

8 D ISTRACTION How difficult is it for you to get distracted while you are reading? Very Somewhat Never

9 H OW DO YOU KNOW --D ISCUSS ? Consider this— If you are reading a book, and someone gets up to get a drink of water, how would you respond? --watch them the entire time until they sit down again --notice they are getting a drink but then get back to reading --don’t usually notice when people move around the room because I’m so into my reading.

10 W HAT SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT DISTRACTIONS ? Effective readers learn to ignore actions OR ways to avoid them.

11 W HAT SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT DISTRACTIONS ? Ideas: Discuss: *How can you ignore or avoid distractions?

12 S ET A GOAL To assure that I get my work done, as well as those around me, I will…

13 I NTEREST How likely are you to read because you enjoy it? Very Sometimes Never

14 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT “ INTEREST ”: Enjoying reading and wanting to read more happens when you find books that are “just right” for you.

15 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT “ INTEREST ”: Enjoying reading and wanting to read more happens when you find books that are “just right” for you. Find topics or genres that are interesting to you.

16 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT “ INTEREST ”: Enjoying reading and wanting to read more happens when you find books that are “just right” for you. Find topics or genres that are interesting to you. Make sure it is not too difficult or too easy for you to read. (Either way will cause boredom)

17 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT “ INTEREST ”: Enjoying reading and wanting to read more happens when you find books that are “just right” for you. Find topics or genres that are interesting to you. Make sure it is not too difficult or too easy for you to read. (Either way will cause boredom) Try newspapers, magazines, internet sites…you don’t always have to read a book.

18 S ET A GOAL To develop my interest in reading, I will…

19 VOCABULARY When you are reading text with difficult words, what do you do? Skip them Try to find logic Figure out what they mean

20 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VOCABULARY : **How do students learn vocabulary words??? --Many students with large vocabularies are also avid readers. Understanding word meanings, helps you to understand what the whole text is about! Context clues help readers to find meaning.

21 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VOCABULARY : **How do students learn vocabulary words??? --Many students with large vocabularies are also avid readers. Understanding word meanings, helps you to understand what the whole text is about!

22 W HAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VOCABULARY : **How do students learn vocabulary words??? --Many students with large vocabularies are also avid readers. Understanding word meanings, helps you to understand what the whole text is about! Context clues help readers to find meaning.

23 S ET A GOAL When I see a new word while reading, I will…

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