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Prophets – Word Pictures HoseaHosea (7:8), a cake not turned –Hot to idols, cold to God MicahMicah – puns. E.g.: Mic.1:10 Beth Aphrah – Beth Aphrah = House.

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Presentation on theme: "Prophets – Word Pictures HoseaHosea (7:8), a cake not turned –Hot to idols, cold to God MicahMicah – puns. E.g.: Mic.1:10 Beth Aphrah – Beth Aphrah = House."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prophets – Word Pictures HoseaHosea (7:8), a cake not turned –Hot to idols, cold to God MicahMicah – puns. E.g.: Mic.1:10 Beth Aphrah – Beth Aphrah = House of dust House of Dust dust – In House of Dust, roll yourselves in the dust

2 I Shiver A person may shiver because of (1) sickness; (2) temperature (3) fear FearFear: illustrated in Ja.2:19 –to be so afraid as to shudder or tremble; to shudder w. fear, to be extremely afraid (L-N, 317)

3 Everyone is afraid of something NyclophobiaNyclophobia, darkness AcrophobiaAcrophobia, high places XenophobiaXenophobia, strangers TriskaidekaphobiaTriskaidekaphobia, number 13 These fears never saved anyone Shivering (fear) does not always produce good results (salvation) We must learn selective fear (Mt.10:28; Ja.2:19)

4 Misguided fear Saul, 1 Sm.28 Ahab, 1 K.21 Roman guards, Mt.28:1-4 Felix, Ac.24:24-25

5 Proper fear Proper fear (joined w. respect) always produces good results Proper fear is based on: The presence of God 1. The presence of God Gn.28… Isa.64:2 The promise of God 2. The promise of God. Josh.2:8-13

6 The precept of God 3. The precept of God. Isa.66:2 –Puts truth above everything else Pro.23:23 –Applies truth to himself before all others; he is not a sermon fitter Jn.21:…20-22 –He obeys truth regardless of what others do Josh.24:15

7 The pardon of God 4. The pardon of God. Ph.2:12 –“Not a mere fear of His power and righteous retribution, but a wholesome dread of displeasing Him” (Vine II, 84) Lk.8:…47, why tremble: –Thought she did wrong? –Feared the cure would be withdrawn Much was at stake

8 II River Shiver (the good sense to be afraid) leads people to obey God –2 K.5 ShiverriverShiver leads to river – –Mt.3:7-8, flee... wrath Snakes flee fire; sinners flee wrath Snakes remain snakes; these remain sinners –Wrath: (10); Hb.10:31; 12:29

9 – Ac.16:29, jailer Several events may have “shaken” him: –earthquake; selective “damage” –suicide plans –would enter eternity soon… His fear led him to obey (30-34) –Hb.11:7, Noah 1 Pt.3:20-21, the water saved the obedient, destroyed the disobedient

10 III Liver Baptism is just the beginning of the new life (living for Christ) Ep.5:25-27 explains this sequence the divine part –25, Jesus gave Himself for the church (people; saved by His blood) – the divine part –Paul could have mentioned everything Jesus gave us (forgiveness; gospel; prayer; providence; fellowship; intercession, etc.) Instead he mentions the ultimate gift: HimselfInstead he mentions the ultimate gift: Himself

11 Jesus, Ep.5:26 – SanctifiesSanctifies, 1 Co.6:11, consecrates (sets apart to Himself) CleansesCleanses (His saved people). 2 K. 5:10, 12, 14 With washing of waterour partWith washing of water (element) – our part. “Referring to baptism” (L-N, 53:43) By the wordBy the word (instrument) – gives water its efficacy. Naaman –Luther: “W/o the Word of God, the water is simply water and no baptism”

12 Jesus, Ep.5:27 – PresentPresent to Himself (2 Co.11:2) – –a glorious church –a glorious church, resplendent Ultimately, the church gives the glory (3:21) –not having spot –not having spot – 2 Pt.2:13. 1 Pt.1:19 –not having wrinkle –not having wrinkle – mark of age or decay –holy –holy – cf. 26, sanctify –w/o blemish –w/o blemish – 1:4 Living For Jesus

13 IV Giver As we live for Christ, we soon learn to eliminate selfishness from our lives, to be givers, not takers Some are takers thieves robbers –Those who take secretly are thieves; those who take by force are robbers (Lk.10) hypocrites –Those who take by pretence are hypocrites. Mk.12:40 lazy –Those who take by begging are lazy (2 Th.3:10)

14 Ep.4:28 Steal no moreSteal no more – implies that bad habits of their former life linger around the converts –Their moral climate presented constant temptations to pull them down Rather…laborRather…labor. Even those who quit stealing and worked for a living could be guilty of doing so selfishly That he may have to giveThat he may have to give… Ac.20:35 –Real restitution!

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