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專題研究 (2) Feature Extraction, Acoustic Model Training WFST Decoding

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Presentation on theme: "專題研究 (2) Feature Extraction, Acoustic Model Training WFST Decoding"— Presentation transcript:

1 專題研究 (2) Feature Extraction, Acoustic Model Training WFST Decoding
Prof. Lin-Shan Lee, TA. Yun-Chiao Li

2 Announcement You will probably have many questions from today
Go to ptt2 “SpeechProj” Your problem can probably help others

3 Linux Shell Script Basics
echo “Hello” (print “hello” on the screen) a=ABC (assign ABC to a) echo $a (will print ABC on the screen) b=$a.log (assign ABC.log to b) cat $b > testfile (write “ABC.log” to testfile) 指令 -h (will output the help information)

4 Feature Extraction

5 Feature Extraction - MFCC


7 Example of MFCC

8 Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) is the model we used to use In this project, we learn Kaldi Vulcan provide an interface to convert one to another Type “bash” The feature will then be converted to HTK format

9 Acoustic Model Training

10 Acoustic Model Hidden Markov Model/Gaussian Mixture Model
10 Hidden Markov Model/Gaussian Mixture Model 3 states per model Example

11 Acoustic model training (1/2)
When training acoustic model, we need labelled data material/train.txt Lacks the information to train initialized the HMM model with equally aligning frame to each state Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) accumulation and estimation. you might want to check “HMM Parameter Estimation ” in HTK Book, or “HMM problem 3” in course

12 Acoustic model training (2/2)
Refine the alignment in some specific iterations, (in variable realign_iters)

13 Introduction to WFST

14 FST An FSA “accepts” a set of strings
View FSA as a representation of a possibly infinite set of strings Start state(s) bold; final/accepting states have extra circle. This example represents the infinite set {ab, aab, aaab , . . .}

15 WFST Like a normal FSA but with costs on the arcs and final-states
Note: cost comes after “/”, For final-state, “2/1” means final- cost 1 on state 2. This example maps ab to (3 = ), all else to 1.

16 WFST Composition Notation: C = A B means, C is A composed with B

17 WFST Component HCLG = H。C。L。G H: HMM structure
C: Context-dependent relabeling L: Lexicon G: language model acceptor

18 Framework for Speech Recognition

19 WFST Component L(Lexicon) Where is C ? (Context-Dependent) H (HMM)
G (Language Model)

20 Training WFST


22 Decoding WFST

23 Decoding WFST (1/2) From HCLG we have… We need another WFST, U
the relationship from state -> word We need another WFST, U Compose U with HCLG, ie, S = U。HCLG Search the best path(s) on S is the recognition result

24 Decoding WFST (2/2) During decoding, we need to specify the weight respectively for acoustic model and language model Split the corpus to Train, Test, Dev set Training set used to training acoustic model Test all of the acoustic model weight on Dev set, and use the best Test set used to test our performance (Word Error Rate, WER)

25 (1/2)

26 (2/2)

27 Homework

28 To Do Copy data into your own directory Execute the following command:
cp –r /share/ Execute the following command: bash bash bash Observe the output and report You might want to check HTK book for acoustic model training

29 Some Helpful References
“使用加權有限狀態轉換器的基於混合詞與次詞 以文字及語音指令偵測口語詞彙” – 第三章 _thesis.pdf

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