M Durham1 Organisational Web sites: Cool or communicative? Assoc Professor Marsha Durham University of Western Sydney.

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Presentation on theme: "M Durham1 Organisational Web sites: Cool or communicative? Assoc Professor Marsha Durham University of Western Sydney."— Presentation transcript:

1 M Durham1 Organisational Web sites: Cool or communicative? Assoc Professor Marsha Durham University of Western Sydney

2 M Durham2

3 3 Why evaluate websites? Experience –‘How-to’ manuals –Searching websites of Australian universities Growth in websites & advice Emphasis on visuals –“Cyberspace has the unique distinction of being the first medium where you can actually bore your readers by being too exciting.” Websites as complex texts

4 M Durham4

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6 6 Focus of search Organisational web sites Communication aspects –What helps sites communicate more effectively? Empirical research Texts and textual choices

7 M Durham7

8 8 Findings 1. More interest in e-mail and chat room dialogue, not Web sites 2. Problem of unsubstantiated guidelines 3. Small number of empirical studies of sites as ‘texts’ 4. Need for theory

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10 10 Finding 1. Internet research Web sites are still the forgotten area of Internet research Main areas –Oral/interpersonal: cybertalk –E-publishing: cyberpublishing

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13 M Durham13 Finding 2: Proliferation of Web site guidelines Majority are unsubstantiated and idiosyncratic More dependable: based on experiences of users/developers Comparison studies of sites Web style guides

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15 M Durham15 Finding 3: Empirical studies = promising Proprietary research Work being undertaken –Taxonomies –Mapping common features Research problems –How to choose sites –Extent of study

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18 M Durham18 Empirical: Usability studies Navigation Writing & usability Interactivity

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20 M Durham20 Empirical: Miscellaneous studies Metaphors Breadth & depth of site ‘Big picture’ issues

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22 M Durham22 Finding 4: Theories Difficulties in theory building –Relative newness of Web –Sites change –Site complexity Site users and their impressions Site as part of an organisation Rhetoric and communication

23 M Durham23

24 M Durham24 Homepages: content Research (27) Faculties/schools/depts(22) Library (20) Courses & study (14) Student services (08) Publications (06) Campus map (05) Recreation & sport (02)

25 M Durham25 Homepages: Readers Readers – Researchers, staff –Students: future, current, international, special needs Involving readers –Search function (29) –Welcome message (13) –Special news items (09)

26 M Durham26 Hompages: Design University logo/badge (30) Signed work (27) Photos (26) Graphics (09) Animation (02)

27 M Durham27 Homepages: Design Layout Grid/column menu (32) ‘Square’ layout (28) ‘Circle’ layout (11) Diffuse (03) Navigation –Text (33) Button (26) Icon (11) Scrolling (04)

28 M Durham28 Conclusion Org sites: large and complex Software: capturing whole sites More in-depth analysis, not ‘cool’ ratings Future

29 M Durham29

30 M Durham30 End

31 M Durham31

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