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Scientific Python Numpy Linear Algebra Matrices Scipy Signal Processing Optimization IPython Interactive Console Matplotlib Plotting Sympy Symbolic Math.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Python Numpy Linear Algebra Matrices Scipy Signal Processing Optimization IPython Interactive Console Matplotlib Plotting Sympy Symbolic Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Python Numpy Linear Algebra Matrices Scipy Signal Processing Optimization IPython Interactive Console Matplotlib Plotting Sympy Symbolic Math Pandas Statistical Data Tables

2 Numpy & Scipy import numpy as np x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]) np.sum(x, axis=1) >> array([ 6, 15, 24]) import scipy.signal as sig sig.hann(5) >> array([0., 0.5, 1., 0.5, 0.])

3 Matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(np.random.randn(100))

4 IPython An interactive console for Scientific Python

5 SymPy from sympy import * x = symbol(‘x’) integrate(sin(x), x) >> integrate(sin(x), [x, 0, pi]) >> factor(x**3 - x**2 + x - 1) >>

6 Pandas is friggin awesome (but too big to fit on one slide) There will be a demo, later

7 More Science! Scikits-Learn Machine Learning Seaborn Statistical Plotting Statsmodels Statistical Tests Pillow Image Manipulation Basemap Map Plotting Astropy Astronomy

8 More Python! Tornado Web Server Django Blogging Framework Databases, Internet Protocols, POSIX Platform Interoperation PyQt Qt GUI Development PyOpenGL OpenGL in Python CFFI, Jython, IronPython, PyObjC Language Interoperation

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