Call to Worship “Surely the Presence” Choir I’m so glad Jesus lifted me. Singing, “Glory hallelujah!” Jesus lifted me. I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me.

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Presentation on theme: "Call to Worship “Surely the Presence” Choir I’m so glad Jesus lifted me. Singing, “Glory hallelujah!” Jesus lifted me. I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me."— Presentation transcript:


2 Call to Worship “Surely the Presence” Choir

3 I’m so glad Jesus lifted me. Singing, “Glory hallelujah!” Jesus lifted me. I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me

4 I was lost in sin; Jesus rescued me. I was lost in sin; Jesus rescued me. I was lost in sin; Jesus rescued me. Singing, “Glory hallelujah!” Jesus lifted me. I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me

5 Now I’m heaven bound; Jesus set me free. Now I’m heaven bound; Jesus set me free. Now I’m heaven bound; Jesus set me free. Singing, “Glory hallelujah!” Jesus lifted me. Jesus lifted me. I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me

6 God sent His Son they called Him Jesus He came to love heal and forgive He bled and died to buy my pardon An empty grave is there to prove My Savior lives 407 “Because He Lives”

7 Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives 407 “Because He Lives”

8 How sweet to hold our newborn baby And feel the pride and joy he gives But greater still the calm assurance This child can face uncertain days Because Christ lives 407 “Because He Lives”

9 Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives 407 “Because He Lives”

10 And then one day I'll cross that river I'll fight life's final war with pain And then as death gives way to vict'ry I'll see the lights of glory And I'll know He reigns 407 “Because He Lives”

11 Because He lives I can face tomorrow Because He lives all fear is gone Because I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives 407 “Because He Lives”

12 Offertory Prayer Giving of Tithes and Offerings

13 253 Doxology Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

14 Sharing Of Praises and Concerns Prayer

15 Amazing Love I'm forgiven because You were forsaken, I'm accepted, You were condemned. I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me, Because You died and rose again.

16 Amazing Love I'm forgiven because You were forsaken, I'm accepted, You were condemned. I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me, Because You died and rose again.

17 Amazing Love Amazing love, how can it be That You my King should die for me? Amazing love, I know it's true. It's my joy to honor You; in all I do, to honor You.

18 Amazing Love I'm forgiven because You were forsaken, I'm accepted, You were condemned. I'm alive and well, Your Spirit is within me, Because You died and rose again.

19 Amazing Love Amazing love, how can it be That You my King should die for me? Amazing love, I know it's true. It's my joy to honor You; in all I do, to honor You.

20 Amazing Love You are my King Jesus, You are my King You are my King

21 Amazing Love Amazing love, how can it be That You my King should die for me? Amazing love, I know it's true. It's my joy to honor You; in all I do, to honor You.

22 Children’s Sermon

23 Beautiful Sacrifice Words & music by: Tammi Rhoton/Elizabeth Foster © 2008 Martha Jo Music (admin. by Music Services)(ASCAP)/Elizabeth Foster Music (ASCAP). All rights reserved. CCLI # pending

24 What a beautiful sacrifice Love has made When He gave His life on the cross

25 For the weary and broken who long for His rest They will gain new life from His loss

26 We sing glory to our Savior and King Who redeems and reigns in His love

27 What a beautiful sacrifice Love has made When He gave his life on the cross

28 When He gave his life on the cross

29 The power of the Spirit, Who searches our hearts He testifies we are His own

30 For we who are prayerful but can’t hear His voice He intercedes for our souls

31 We sing glory to our Savior and King Who redeems and reigns in His love

32 The power of the Spirit, Who searches our hearts He testifies we are His own

33 What a beautiful sacrifice For the power of the Spirit We sing glory And honor to You

34 Oh wonderful Father of heaven and earth Your grace is always enough

35 For the ones who are hopeless or weakened by faith

36 Your promise will stand as our Rock

37 We sing glory to our Savior and King Who redeems and reigns in His love

38 Oh wonderful Father of heaven and earth Your grace is always enough

39 We sing glory to our Savior and King Who redeems and reigns in His love

40 What a beautiful sacrifice Love has made When He gave his life on the cross

41 When He gave his life on the cross

42 Beautiful Sacrifice Words & music by: Tammi Rhoton/Elizabeth Foster © 2008 Martha Jo Music (admin. by Music Services)(ASCAP)/Elizabeth Foster Music (ASCAP). All rights reserved. CCLI # pending

43 Scripture Matthew 6:24-34

44 Say What Jesus! Rev. Dan Deaton

45 Jesus is Savior and Lord of my life, My hope, my glory, my all; Wonderful Master in joy and in strife, On Him, you too, may call. Jesus is Lord of all, Lord of my thoughts And my service each day, Jesus is Lord of all. 296 “Jesus is Lord of All”

46 Blessed Redeemer, all glorious King, Worthy of rev'rence I pay; Tribute and praises I joyfully bring To Him, the Life, the Way. Jesus is Lord of all, Lord of my thoughts And my service each day, Jesus is Lord of all. “Jesus is Lord of All”

47 Will you surrender your all to Him now? Follow His will and obey, Crown Him as Sov'reign, before His throne bow; Give Him your heart today. Jesus is Lord of all, Lord of my thoughts And my service each day, Jesus is Lord of all. “Jesus is Lord of All”

48 Benediction

49 Greet the Family Of God

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