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Double Jeopardy PLOPotpouriPeace Agreements People 1People 2 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU.

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Presentation on theme: "Double Jeopardy PLOPotpouriPeace Agreements People 1People 2 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Double Jeopardy PLOPotpouriPeace Agreements People 1People 2 20 40 60 80 100 Compliments of the James Madison Center, JMU

2 The year and birth place Of the PLO

3 These were killed by the PLO in the summer of 1972

4 The world’s opinion of The actions of the PLO In the 1970s

5 Israel invaded and made it To this city in the early 1980s Because it was the new home to The PLO

6 The PLO fled to this country After being kicked out of Lebanon

7 A ‘shaking off’ declared By Palestinians in the 1980s

8 This terrorist group formed During the first intefada

9 Their manifest was to establish An Islamic state in present-day Israel

10 The main city for the Palestinian Authority

11 This country never got to Sign a peace agreement With Israel due to an assassination

12 Signed between Egypt & Israel in 1979

13 Signed in 1994 between Jordan And Israel

14 The Sinai Peninsula was Given back to this country

15 Settlers in parts of this area were removed in the 1990s

16 This was signed in 1993 Between the PLO and Israel

17 Current Prime Minister of Israel

18 Egyptian Prime Minister Who was assassinated for Signing the Camp David Accords in 1979

19 He massacred innocent Palestinian women, Children, and elderly in Response to a Phlange Leader’s assassination

20 He declared the nation of Palestine to be Israel in 1948

21 Current leader of the PLO

22 Chubby engineering leader Of the PLO

23 He was assassinated before He could negotiate peace Between Israel and Syria

24 Leader of Jordan who signed A peace agreement with Israel

25 Israeli Prime Minister who Signed the Camp David Accords in 1979

26 The U.S. President who Negotiated the Camp David Accords.

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