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KEK IPNS and GRID Akiya Miyamoto KEK At 28-Feburary-2007 FJPPL meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "KEK IPNS and GRID Akiya Miyamoto KEK At 28-Feburary-2007 FJPPL meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 ILC @ KEK IPNS and GRID Akiya Miyamoto KEK At 28-Feburary-2007 FJPPL meeting

2 Physics Scenario at ILC

3 Detector Concepts SiD –Silicon tracker, 5T field("small" radius) –SiW ECAL – LDC –TPC, 4T field –SiW ECAL (“medium” radius) – GLD –TPC (+Silicon IT), 3T field –W/Scintillator ECAL (“large” radius) – 4 th Concept –Dual Readout(Scintillator+Cristal) Calorimeter –Dual Air Core Coil –

4 GLD Design Concepts Separate neutral and charged particle  PFA == Key for the good energy resolution  Segmentation of calorimeter : do to the limit of Moliere Radius  Large radius calorimeter : spatially separate particle ( also good for tracker )  High B field : separate charged and neutral Figure of Merit Neutral energy inside certain distance from cahrged scale ~ 1/R 2

5 GLD Configuration GLD Side view Moderate B Field : 3T R(ECAL) ~ 2.1m  ECAL: 33 layers of 3mm t W/2mm t Scint./1mm t Gap  HCAL: 46 layers of 20mm t Fe/5mm t Scint./1mm t Gap Photon sensor: MPPC ~O(10M) ch. Configuration of sensor is one of the R&D items

6 GLD Configuration - 2 TPC: R: 0.45  2.0m, ~200 radial sample Half Z: 2.3m MPGD readout:  r  <150  m SIT: Silicon Strip Barrel/Endcap VTX: Fine Pixel CCD: ~5x5mm 2 2 layers x 3 Super Layers

7 GLD organization Member :16 countries, 77 Univ./Inst. 224 members Contact Persons H.Yamamoto, H.B.Park (Asia), G.Wilson(NA) R.Settles, M.Thomson(EU) UK 5 Germany 3 Italy 2 Netherlands 1 Rusia 1 Japan 28 Philipine 2 Korea 8 Australia 2 China 5 India 4 Singapole 1 Vietnum 1 USA 11 Canada 1 # inst. Executive board S.Yamashita - Benchmark A.Miyamoto - Software Y.Sugimoto - Vertex Detector H.J.Kim - Intermediate Tracker A.Sugiyama/R.Settles – TPC T.Takeshita - Calorimeter/Muon T.Tauchi - Interaction Region H.Yamaoka - Coil & Structure P.Ledu - DAQ M.Tomson - Space GLD Concepts has been developed through E-mails and TV meetings discussion GLD DOD: physics/0607154 Task forces (since March 2006) IR (T.Tauchi ) PFA (T.Yoshioka) Tracking ( to be decided) ILC crossing angle, Detector hall, push/pull options, etc are hot topics in recent meetings GLD is a team for detector concept studies Not a collaboration


9 ILC @ KEK IPNS Hardware studies  Vertex Detector Fine Pixel CCD (~5x5  m 2 pixel size )for ILC Vertex Detector  TPC with MPGD readout As a member of LCTPC Collaboration participate beam tests at DESY Software study  Detector simulator based on Geant4  Event reconstruction tools  Physics studies Simulation

10 ROOT objects : Event Tree & Configuration Our software tools Beamtest Analysis Event Reconstruction Digitizer Finder Fitter Detector Simulator QuickSim FullSim Event Generator Pythia CAIN StdHep Physics Analysis Jet finder  Link to various tools at  GLD Software at  All packages are kept in the CVS. Accessible from

11 JSF Framework: JSF = Root based application  All functions based on C++, compiled or through CINT  Provides common framework for event generations, detector simulations, analysis, and beam test data analysis  Unified framework for interactive and batch job: GUI, event display  Data are stored as root objects; root trees, ntuples, etc Release includes other tools QuickSim, Event generators, beamstrahlung spectrum generator, etc.


13 Example of QuickSim Study Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, nominal  (Mh)~109MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 350GeV, high-lum  (Mh)~164MeV Incl. beamstrahlung 250GeV, nominal  (Mh)~27MeV  E/E(beam)~0.1% Differential Luminosity(500GeV)

14 Jupiter/Satellites for Full Simulation Studies JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites Geant4 based Simulator JSF/ROOT based Framework JSF: the analysis flow controller based on ROOT The release includes event generators, Quick Simulator, and simple event display MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation Tools For real data

15 Jupiter feature - 1 Modular structure  easy installation of sub- detectors Currently using Geant4 8.0p1 Geometry  Simple geometries are implemented ( enough for the detector optimization )  parameters ( size, material, etc ) can be modified by input ASCII file.  Parameters are saved as a ROOT object for use in Satellites later

16 Jupiter feature - 2 Run mode:  A standalone Geant4 application  JSF application to output a ROOT file. Output:  Exact Hits of each detectors (Smearing in Satellites)  Pre- and Post- Hits at before/after Calorimeter  Used to record true track information which enter CAL/FCAL/BCAL.  Break points in tracking volume  Interface to LCIO format is prepared in the JSF framework  Compatibility is yet to be tested. Break point Post-hits Input:  StdHep file(ASCII), HepEvt, CAIN, or any generators implemented in JSF.  Binary StdHep file interface was implemented, but yet to be tested.

17 GLD Geometry in Jupiter FCAL BCAL IT VTX CH2mask 1 module Include 10cm air gap as a readout space

18 DID Field and Backgrounds High energy Low energy Exit hole cm Detector Installed Dipole-magentic Field : reduce background hits Jupiter Simulation FCAL BCAL CH2Mask e + e - hit distribution at BCAL 4m 入射ビーム

19 Typical Event Display - ZH → h : Two jets from Higgs can be seen.

20 Jet Measurements in ILC Det. Particle reconstruction Charged particles in tracking Detector Photons in the ECAL Neutral hadrons in the HCAL (and possibly ECAL) b/c ID: Vertex Detector  Large detector – spatially separate particles  High B-field – separate charged/neutrals  High granularity ECAL/HCAL – resolve particles For good jet erngy resolution  Separate energy deposits from different particles

21 e+e+ e-e- Realistic PFA Critical part to complete detector design  Large R & medium granularity vs small R & fine granularity  Large R & medium B vs small R & high B  Importance of HD Cal resolution vs granuality  … Algorithm developed in GLD: Consists of several steps  Small-clustering  Gamma Finding  Cluster-track matching  Neutral hadron clustering Red : pion Yellow :gamma Blue : neutron

22 - Performance in the EndCap region is remarkably improved recently. - Almost no angular dependence : 31%/ √ E for |cos  |<0.9. All angle - Z → uds @ 91.2GeV, tile calorimeter, 2cm x 2cm tile size Jet Energy Resolution (Z-pole) T.Yoshioka (Tokyo) Next step ! Detector configuration optimization. Other energy points & physics channels

23 Benchmark Processes Benchmark processes recommended by the Benchmark Panel.

24 GRID for ILC studies ILC GRID in Japan has just begun ILC Computing requirements in coming years  Full simulation based detector studies  Detector optimization  Background studies & IR designs, etc  These studies will be based on many bench mark processes.  Cross checking of analysis codes  Sharing and access to beam test data GRID will be an infrastructure for these studies.  Data sharing  Utilize CPU resources  Among domestic/regional colleagues – easier access to codes & data We are beginner. as a first step,  First: minimum resources  Get familiar tools and data sharing  CALICEVO & ILCVO

25 GRID Configuration: JPY2006 KEKCC LCG environment LCG resource outside KEK GRID-LAN F/W KEK-LAN F/W NFS SLC4 Existing KEK-ILC group resource ILC NFS SE LCG LCG/Grid Protocol SE: Storage Element LCG/Grid Protocol University CPU Servers LCG UI SLC3 SE2 LCG UI SLC3 Tohoku Kobe

26 GRID : Future Direction KEKCC LCG environment LCG resource outside KEK GRID-LAN F/W KEK-LAN F/W NFS SE LCG LCG/Grid Protocol SE: Storage Element LCG/Grid Protocol Universities SE2 No GRID univ’s Tohoku Kobe ILC Resource KEK User PC’s GIRD sites ILC VO, CALICE VO, JHEP VO, …

27 Backup slides

28 DescriptionDetectorLanguageIO-FormatRegion SimdetFast Monte CarloTeslaTDRFortranStdhep/LCIOEU SGVFast Monte CarloflexibleC++None(LCIO)EU LelapsFast Monte CarloSiD, flexibleC++SIO, LCIOUS QuickSimFast Monte CarloGLDFortranROOTAsia Brahms-SimFull sim. - Geant3TeslaTDRC++ASCII, LCIOEU MokkaFull sim. – Geant4TeslaTDR, LDCC++LCIOEU SLICFull sim. – Geant4SiDC++LCIOUS ILC-ROOTFull sim. – Geant44thC++ROOTUS+EU JupiterFull sim. – Geant4GLDC++ROOT, LCIOAsia Brahms-RecoReconstruction frameworkTeslaTDRFortranLCIOEU Marlin Reconstruction Analysis framework Flexible,LDCC++LCIOEU Org-lcsimReconstruction packagesSiD(flexible)JavaLCIOUS SatellitesReconstruction packagesGLDC++ROOTAsia LCCDConditiions data toolkitLDC, SiD,..C++MySQL, LCIOEU GEARGeometry DescriptionFlexibleC++XMLEU LCIOPersistency/DatamodelAllC++,Java, Fortran -EU,US,A sia JAS3/WIREDAnalysis tool/Event displayLDC, SiD …Java XML,LCIO,stdhep, heprep, US, EU JSFAnalysis frameworkAllC++ROOT/LCIOAsia Software tools in the world

29 FJPPL France Japan Particle Physics Laboratory France-(CNRS-CEA: LAPP, LLR, LPNHE, LAL, DAPNIA); Japan-KEK bin/twiki/bin/view/FJHEPL/WebHome bin/twiki/bin/view/FJHEPL/WebHome –You have to register yourself to access internal info. ILC detector R&D is one of the main projects of FJPPL. K.Kawagoe, Sep. 2006

30 “A common R&D on the new generation detector for the ILC” Members –J.C. Brient, H. Videau, J.C. Vanel, C. de la Thaille, R. Poeschl, D. Boutigni –K.Kawagoe, T. Takeshita, S. Yamashita, T. Yoshioka, A. Miyamoto, S. Kawabata, T.Sasaki, G. Iwai Goals (1)Design and development of reliable Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) which allows studying the design and the geometry of the future detector for the ILC, (2)Design and development of a DAQ system compatible with the new generation of calorimeter currently in design and prototype for the ILC, and (3)Design and development of the optimized detector for the final ILC project, leading the participation of the LOI and TDR document for the ECAL point of view. K.Kawagoe, Sep. 2006

31 CPU time/Data size Data size Xenon 3 GHz (32bit) for 500 1/fb ProcessMB/evCPU sec/ev.#ev.GBcpu day qq 91 GeV~1.5~150 qq 350 GeV~3.0~270 ee  ZH  H 350GeV~2.0~300 14k28 48.6 ee  H 350GeV~1.9~170 15k29 29.5 ee  eeH 350GeV~2.3~380 1.5k 3.5 15.4 ee  ZZ  qq 350GeV~1.7~200 110k187 255.6 ee  e W  e qq 350GeV~1.6~2401000k16000 2777.8 ZH  qqH 350GeV~3.8~300 49k186 170.1 ZZ  qqqq 350GeV~3.3~340 434k1432 1707.8 ( cpu time is about half at KEKCC, AMD 2.5GHz 64bit )

32 Cross sections 5k events/4y SM processes + New physics

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