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1 st 6 Weeks Vocab Review Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle.

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1 1 st 6 Weeks Vocab Review Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle

2 The movement of carbon on Earth by the process of respiration and photosynthesis.

3 Photosynthesis The process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce sugar (glucose) and release oxygen.

4 Carbon Dioxide A gas produced by animals during respiration that plants use to make food, water, and oxygen.

5 Respiration A process by which animals use oxygen and food to make energy and carbon dioxide. Breath in oxygen Release Carbon Dioxide

6 Digestion Breakdown of food into smaller pieces to be used by the body.

7 glucose Sugar

8 Elodea An aquatic water plant.

9 Bubble Gas or air in a liquid

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