1 Title IA Coordinator Online Training Targeted Assistance Schools 2005-2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Title IA Coordinator Online Training Targeted Assistance Schools 2005-2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Title IA Coordinator Online Training Targeted Assistance Schools 2005-2006

2 2 What is a Targeted Assistance School? –Title IA funded school that Selects students failing or at risk of failing Serves only selected students

3 3 Targeted Assistance Schools What may Title IA funds be used to provide? –Services to children determined to have greatest need for assistance –Services in addition to regular school program

4 4 Targeted Assistance Eligibility How are students selected for service? –District, in consultation with parents, determines criteria Must be multiple, objective academic measures –Criteria may be supplemented by school

5 5 Targeted Assistance Eligibility What kinds of criteria may be used to select children in pre- school – grade 2? Teacher judgment Interviews with parents, Developmentally appropriate measures

6 6 Targeted Assistance Eligibility What criteria is used to select children grades 3-12? Oregon State Assessments District Assessments Classroom performance Teacher Judgment –Must be based on academic/educationally related criteria

7 7 TAS Eligibility –Are disable students eligible for Title IA services: –Selected using district/school criteria –Entitled to services required by law Avoid supplanting May not use Title IA funds to provide services to meet Federal, State, or local law –May supplement required services

8 8 Components of Targeted Assistance Program Must help children meet standards Program based on scientific evidence Planning TAS program incorporated in school planning Use strategies that –Provide extended day/year activities –Provide accelerated, high-quality curriculum.

9 9 Required TAS Components Minimize removing children from classroom Coordinate with regular education program May include –Counseling and mentoring –College/career awareness/preparation –Prepare students for transition from school to work –Preschool transition to elementary school

10 10 Required TAS Components “Highly qualified” staff Professional development for –all school staff working with participating children Strategies increase parent involvement

11 11 Targeted Assistance Instruction Strategies: –Enable students to meet standards –Extended time –In-class assistance –Collaborative teaching among Title IA and regular classroom teachers

12 12 Targeted Assistance Instruction Extended Day/Year –Summer school –Before- and after-school programs –Preschool program –Extended Kindergarten –Extended Time Computer Assisted Learning

13 13 Targeted Assistance Instructional Models In Class Model –Title IA teacher/Classroom teacher collaborate on lessons –Team teaching –Push In Title I teacher or paraprofessional works with small groups of children

14 14 Targeted Assistance Instructional Models Pull-Out –Not recommended –Must not be during classroom instruction time –Provides supplemental instruction and practice

15 15 Targeted Assistance Incidental Inclusion May not be reasonable to serve only targeted children –May provide, on an incidental basis, services to children not targeted –Allowable if: Services to targeted students are not neglected

16 16 Targeted Assistance Comprehensive Services Title IA funds may be used to provide –Basic medical equipment –Health, nutrition and social services If services are unavailable elsewhere

17 17 Targeted Assistance School Personnel Title IA staff may: –Assume duties: Beyond classroom instruction or Does not benefit Title IA students If duties are the as for similar personnel –Participate in professional development and planning –Teach collaboratively if collaboration directly benefits Title IA students

18 18 Targeted Assistance School Personnel Split Funded Personnel –Must keep time and effort records Time spent on Title IA activities Names and numbers of students served Time spent on allowable non-Title IA activities May be daily, weekly, monthly schedules Filed at the school and District Office

19 19 Targeted Assistance Records Split funded staff Time and Effort records Ranking worksheets –Rank all students in school using selection criteria for service –List of students served Student files include: –Date services started –Assessment scores at commencement of services –List of services provided

20 20 Targeted Assistance Records Student Records continued –Record of parent contacts Date compact sent home – if signed and returned copy of compact Copy of letter describing services Copy of parent refusal of services (if applicable) Copy of progress reports to parents –Exit criteria Date of exit from program Assessment scores at exit

21 21 Targeted Assistance Records Inventory of Title IA equipment/materials –Disposal of equipment Record Retention –Records are confidential –Keep all records for 3 years –Destroy after 3 years

22 22 Targeted Assistance Schools For Further Information: Title IA Handbook NCLB Text and USDE Guidance OMB Circular A-133

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