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How does drawing a picture help us solve multi-digit multiplication? 368 x 7 =

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1 How does drawing a picture help us solve multi-digit multiplication? 368 x 7 =

2 In this lesson, you will learn how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number… by drawing an area model to organize your thinking.

3 Let’s Review 27 x 4 = 4 207+ 4 x 20=4 x 7= 80 28 4 x 20=80 4 x 7=28 + 4 x 27=108

4 Let’s Review 368 x 7 = 368 =300 + 60 + 8 Expanded Notation

5 A Common Mistake 300 x 7 =2,1003. Multiplication 60 x 7 = 420 2. 8 x 7=56 1. Addition 300 x 7 =2,1001. 60 x 7 = 420 2. 8 x 7=563. 7 300 + 60 + 8 368 x 7 =

6 Core Lesson 368 x 7 = 7 300 + 60 + 8 300 x 7 =2,10060 x 7 =4208x7=8x7=56 300 x 7 =2,100 60 x 7 = 420 + 360 x 7 =2,520 360 x 7 =2,520 360

7 Core Lesson 368 x 7 = 7 + 8 8x7=8x7=56 + 360 x 7 =2,520 360 x 7 =2,520 8 x 7 =56 368 x 7 =2,576 360

8 Core Lesson 368 x 7 = 7 + 8 2,576 + 360 x 7 =2,520 8 x 7 =56 368 x 7 =2,576 360368

9 In this lesson, you have learned how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number… by drawing an area model to organize your thinking.

10 Guided Practice 6 400 + 50 + 7 400 x 6 =2,400 50 x 6 =3007x6=7x6=42 457 x 6 = 400 x 6 =2,400 50 x 6 =300 7x6=7x6=56 50 x 6 =300 7 x 6=56 + 457 x 6 =2,756 457 x 6 =2,756

11 Extension Activities ? ? + ? + ? 243 x 8 = Label the diagram below to solve the problem:

12 Extension Activities Label the diagram below, then write the number sentences in the areas for: ? ? + ? + ? 243 x 8 = ? x ? =?

13 Quick Quiz Which number sentence is not a way to name 275 ? 275 = 200 + 70 + 5A. 275 = 200 + 75B. 275 = 270 + 5C. 275 = 275 + 70 + 5D.

14 Quick Quiz Which diagram is not correctly naming: ? 275 x 3 = 3 275 + 70 + 5 200 x 3 =825 70x3=2105x3=5x3=15 A. 3 200 + 70 + 5 200 x 3 =600 70x3=2105x3=5x3=15 B. 3 270 + 5 270 x 3 =810 5x3=5x3=15 C. 3 200 + 75 200 x 3 =600 75x3=225 D.

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