DoC Private IaaS Cloud Thomas Joseph Cloud Manager

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Presentation on theme: "DoC Private IaaS Cloud Thomas Joseph Cloud Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 DoC Private IaaS Cloud Thomas Joseph Cloud Manager

2 Topics Cloud Infrastructure Setup – H/W & S/W Usage stats Case Studies Demo Access info User Functionalities Best Practices Future

3 Primary Cloud Computing Models

4 Infrastructure Built using Apache Cloudstack v4.1.1 and Xenserver (hypervisor) Running on most of the Cloud purchased h/w, more to be added soon. More can be purchased and added later. Enables any DoC user to create any number of VMs, any mixture of long/short lived VMs.

5 Infrastructure contd. Publicly accessible via internet – subject to College firewall restrictions 1024 public IP addresses for VMs - more can be added later. Running a variety of Linux distributions (eg. CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu).

6 Who is using the Cloud today? Student Group Projects (MSc & Third year) Individual Students PhD students, RAs & Academics CSG Testing & Development Approx 240 users & 200 VMs

7 Activity

8 User Operations

9 Server Usage stats

10 Case Study- Christian Priebe, LSDS We have used the DoC CloudStack deployment to mainly deploy multiple PaaS systems, namely OpenShift and AppScale with CloudFoundry. I probably created around a hundred VMs or so, because of some low-level modifications to the system I made as part of several experiments. That's one of the biggest advantages to me. If something went wrong, just start a new VM or reset the old one and start again. This is works especially well in combination with using templates.

11 Case Study – Anandha Gopalan, TF 3rd Yr Group Projects ● 22 groups in total ● Each group was assigned a VM on the Cloud – Given 'root' access, which allowed them to install any tools/packages that they wished to use for their project – Large disk space – No need for maintenance from CSG – Flexibility for the groups ● On asking around, students were generally positive ● Quite a few groups used the VM to show their final demonstration

12 Case Study – Anandha Gopalan, TF UG Individual Projects ● Students given VM if they ask for it – No need for CSG to maintain project machines (except when specialized H/W is needed) – Flexibility for student to install any tools/packages they see fit

13 Case Study – Petr Hosek, SRG

14 Accessing it Start here - Documentation Web UI Let’s give it a try!!

15 Demo Demo for Cloud Login, VM Creation, Snapshot Volume, Create Template, ent-snapshot-template.mp4 ent-snapshot-template.mp4

16 Inside the DoC Cloud

17 Access info All DoC users have access via College username & password setting domain to “imperial”. In case of issues contact External users cannot use their College login credentials.

18 Access info contd. VMs can be accessed as any other Lab Machines in DoC (e.g. ssh via shell servers). CSG controlled VMs are provided with a root shell on tty1/console. If super user access is required then please email

19 User related functionalities Current abilities on CS 4.1.1 Create VM's with existing Templates Upload ISO's create VMs -> customize -> Snapshots -> Templates -> Create further VMs

20 User related functionalities contd. Private & Public Templates. Add additional Storage as per requirements later on. Ability to change available compute offerings. APIs for CLI related activities.

21 Do’s & Dont’s VM Deletion: Do delete additional allocated storage. Don’t run performance related tests during business hours. Don’t add additional 1Tb storage without informing us. Do use version control or backup data manually as VMs are not being backed up.

22 Do’s & Don’tscontd. Users should upload their code to Gitlab or to /vol/bitbucket. Extra storage can be used by mounting filesystems via NFS. DNS entries for custom VMs -> contact CSG Non DoC users can have access on request -> College passwords wouldn’t work.

23 Do’s & Don’ts contd. Users can have their VM, template & volume quotas increased on request. It’s possible for users want to add personal hardware as hypervisors either as KVM/XenServer. Storing project VMs for future use -> Do create a snapshot/template and save a copy.

24 Future Host names (DNS entries) for Non CSG VMs GPGPU’s within the cloud More resource accounting More hardware where needed Alternate hypervisors e.g. KVM Support Windows VMs Upgrade CloudStack -> v4.2.1 What do you want?

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