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Argument Essay Writing Body Paragraph Tips Rebuttal Paragraph Conclusion.

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1 Argument Essay Writing Body Paragraph Tips Rebuttal Paragraph Conclusion

2 Body Paragraphs Make sure your evidence pertains to your argument, and then explain how your example pertains to your argument. Explain why the example/evidence is important (the “So what?” factor). Use varied evidence, but do not use evidence unless it directly correlates with your argument. Avoid making strained connections!

3 Body Paragraph Tips Use varied and specific evidence. (Use evidence from different brainstorming categories.) Start with your second strongest piece of evidence. Put your weakest example/evidence in the middle. End your essay with your strongest point.

4 Anthony Prompt “Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation, and publicly and privately, in season and out, avow their sympathy with despised and persecuted ideas and their advocates, and bear the consequences.” -- Susan B. Anthony

5 One instance in which a person who was not concerned about being popular and caused a reform and change in the world was Abraham Lincoln. His intent was clear from the beginning because he made it apparent that he did not care about his social standing. Once Lincoln was elected president, his willingness to fight for the equality of all was so evident that his election caused the succession of South Carolina from the union, ultimately leading to the succession of most of the southern states. Lincoln knew he would be persecuted because of his beliefs but was willing to fight for the equality for slaves. Lincoln brought about reform because he stood strong and did not worry about pleasing all of the states.

6 Rebuttal Paragraph The rebuttal paragraph addresses the counter argument from the two-part thesis in the introduction (the although… or despite… part). Important: The counter argument you acknowledge in your two-part thesis needs to appear in your rebuttal paragraph. Provide a specific evidence of your counter argument from the Big 7.

7 Rebuttal Continued Qualify (90/10): Refute your counter argument and explain why your argument is still sound even though there is an exception. THIS PARAGRAPH SHOULD BE COMPOSED OF 1/3 COUNTER ARGUMENT AND 2/3 REBUTTAL.

8 Conclusion Your conclusion should tell us why we should care about your paper. What is the significance of your claim? Why is it important to you as the writer or your audience? What information should your audience take away from this?

9 Example Thesis Statements Despite TV supporters’ cries that television is fun and exciting, in reality it is detracting from the fun and excitement that could be experienced outside of TV land, away from this hypnotizing box. Although some people argue how television sucks the life out of you, to most people television is a great source of relaxation, entertainment, and a way to hold on to sanity and is way that truly brings happiness to one’s life. Although many people believe television is a harmless source of entertainment, television is a drain on people’s lives that contradicts entirely with what is shown on the so-called “idiot box.” Although many critics believe that watching television cripples the mind, but in reality TV opens many doors and gateways to life for anyone to go in and encourages adventure.

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